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The Unpredictable Destiny Road


It is a term so often used by many to describe their goal in the midst of facing adversity and hardship. It is a phrase that is so often described as an event which is so predictable, it's outcome seems inevitable and just. It is a word, so frequently used with arrogance and egotism, that it's essence of a meaning has been diminished by man's overused and self-absorbed thinking.

According to, "Destiny" is defined as, "A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human control". The meaning supports the claim that there is a path already set in which an individual's life will follow. A path so surely set in stone, that there is no getting around it. Whether the outcome is one of success or failure, Destiny is so overpowering, that it bares no mercy on it's victims.

Destiny. A clear cut term. Very black and white in it's existence. Either it is, or it isn't. To be, or not to be.

Or is it?

In an article of an old issue of Men's Journal, a few men described losses in their careers and lives which they deemed as being "uncontrollable". The stories varied from men losing millions of dollars to the women of their dreams under terms so "opposing" that they were convinced that it was their "fate". The reasons were so evident of a lack of effort in their losses, that it questioned the dignity of being a man. That's another topic for another day. Nonetheless, to fulfill your imagination, this article was indeed as ridiculous as it sounded. It is as it sounds, a group of guys loathing over their misfortunes throughout the years. However, despite the sense of "cry babies" spewing off the pages, there are indeed people throughout the nation who share this particular mindset regarding the road of life. As a matter of fact, you the reader might believe there are aspects in your life that are just so convincing, that it is the way things were spelled out for you. So strong that it's well...your destiny, right?


That mindset is farce that plagues mankind to it's core.

The enigma that is destiny is indeed a authentic concept. Destiny, is derived from "devine intervention" which holds a higher power responsible for everything that occurs. Yes, I believe this is true, and that there is a God which holds these powers. Yes, I do believe that we are meant to do and be specific things in our own respective lives. Yes, I do believe things happen for a reason. However, I fail to understand how a person can look at a situation and decipher it's ultimate meaning for you're life. After all, our lives are like a masterpiece painting - completed in sections. Only when those parts are completed, is the enitre painting seen. Yet, we don't see things that way.

If I can't, then I will never.

If I lose this, then it's gone for good.

If I don't achieve this, then it's over.

These are our thoughts on "Destiny". So short spanned, so compact that it almosts robs the adventure that is life. An adventure that was once thought to be robbed for a little boy. A boy who was born with club feet. The little boy, born to a former starving boxer and a loving mother was in rare form at birth. Such a rare form that doctors proclaimed that the weak ligament, surgically repaired feet of the little boy would cost him any oppurtunity at "ever playing contact sports". The boy would play pick up sports throughout his adolescant years in pain. Ignoring the pain, he made his High School team. Finally, despite bad knees and "uneducated" feet, the boy somehow worked his way onto his college baseball team. Despite continuing with pain, he overcame odds that were against him during his time.

The little boy was me.

Was it destiny?



Very much so.

Despite the odds of me playing contact sports being pretty low, I was able to experience that joy through the grace of God. I could've whined about it (Like the guys in the article) and used it as an excuse, but there was more in store for me. There is more in store for me. My painting isn't finished.

Destiny is a broad term. Colorful in it's existence. Whether it is or isn't, you'll have to just wait and see.

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