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Showing posts from February, 2008

As I Grow Older

As I Grow Older It was a long time ago. I have almost forgotten my dream. But it was there then, In front of me, Bright like a sun— My dream. And then the wall rose, Rose slowly, Slowly, Between me and my dream. Rose slowly, slowly, Dimming, Hiding, The light of my dream. Rose until it touched the sky— The wall. Shadow. I am black. I lie down in the shadow. No longer the light of my dream before me, Above me. Only the thick wall. Only the shadow. My hands! My dark hands! Break through the wall! Find my dream! Help me to shatter this darkness, To smash this night, To break this shadow Into a thousand lights of sun, Into a thousand whirling dreams Of sun! -Langston Hughes As the year of two thousand and eight begins to find its comfort, establishing our goals, our habits, and ourselves become a focus. A flashback of 2007, presents the aspects that we excelled at, along with the challenges in which we failed miserably. All which come to mind with one common understanding - to improve. As ...

The Real World: One World. Different People. Unknown Thoughts.

"There is no such thing as the real word, its just a lie you have to rise above" For some, this quote is more than just a John Mayer lyric, its a quote that reigns true in their mentality, and for others, its a bearing of fiction that is fabricated by Americana. The Real Word. Leaving the front door, and standing on the brink of the front stoop. The day has just begun. That view represents more than just a flight of stairs, or a view of the neighboring houses, it represents all that is out there, all the various opportunities, possibilities, incompetencies, success stories, struggles, hard work and failures. A walk towards the bus stop includes an experience of seeing others who may be just like you. Similarities of professional clothes and well groomed jeans with iPods, Sidekicks, and Blackberrys. Entering the bus is almost like walking the red carpet at the Oscars, five seconds of fame, as all are eyes are upon you as you enter. A snapshot of each individuals face is taken ...

Famine Over: G-Men are Giants in New York City

Championship city? Perfection? Forget it. New England's bid for perfection and the right to be claimed as the "Best sports city" in the world came to a crashing end after Super Bowl XLII. In what could be the most watched Super Bowl in recent memory, as well as the biggest upset, the New York Giants defeated the New England Patriots, 17-14, making history in the National Football League, the Giants organization, and most importantly, in New York City. The World Series victory of the Boston Red Sox, compounded with the issues of the Yankees and Mets, the disappointing Jets season, and the sinking ship that is the New York Knickerbockers, New York was left in what was described as a "sports famine" ( Feast, Giving Thanks and Looking at Our Famine ) in New York. New York was in dire need for a team to believe in. A team to once again hang their hat on. Thus, the good Lord gave this city, The New York Football Giants. Fans of all teams, Yankees, Mets, Knicks, Nets, ...