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Showing posts from October, 2020

Pondering Picture #102

  Sometimes, you just have to chase the rain. 

Bound For Glory 2020 Review - If A Tree Falls And No One Hears It...

Television in 2020 has been weird. Check that. It's super weird.  In a year marred by pandemics, death, catastrophe, and overwhelming heartbreak, the viewing habits of everything in entertainment has changed - wrestling included. Ratings are down. No one respects appointment television - and heck, there is even less need for the idea of watching content through said television. Where am I going with this on a Wrestling pay-per-view review? Come on, get to the point, bro!  I haven't been shy in communicating my severe disappointment in professional wrestling (namely WWE) during this pandemic ( Pro Wrestling in COVID Times ). When many entertainment options were off the table, most notably that of sports, pro wrestling had an extreme opportunity to give fans something different, and even capture casual fans.  Unfortunately, they didn't. And a large part of my growing disinterest with pro wrestling has been because of the WWE, and to a much lesser extent, AEW. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/26/20

3 Up 1. Early Voting Attitude - Why hasn't early voting been an option in the past? Or, simply the norm? The number of hours people are waiting in lines here in New York City - our first-ever opportunity at voting early - has been impressive and encouraging. Many are excited and motivated to have their voices heard. Going forward, can we make election opportunities a two-week process, ending on election day? It just makes too much sense.  2. Anika Chebrulo - We need less of the election coverage that makes you question everything about this country on the news and more stories like the one about Cherbulo, a 14-year-old girl from Texas who made a discovery that possible can help treat COVID-19. Yes, you read that correctly.  3. Lewis Hamilton - Formula 1 racing is a huge deal in Europe. This weekend, one of their most prominent records - all-time wins - fell to Lewis Hamilton. Hamilton, a black driver who has endured racism and marginalization in the sport, has now passed Mic...

Thoughts on Final 2020 Presidential Debate

Well, that was certainly different. And it was very much welcomed. It's amazing how much can be taken from a debate when it has order, structure, respect, and dialogue.  Unfortunately, we had to resort to the cage match rules of debate - muting mics. Although, there were many moments where that should have happened as well and it didn't. Nonetheless, as stated, we'll take what we got.  In the final 2020 Presidential Debate, America got the best debate of this election season between President Donald Trump and former Vice President, Joe Biden. But let's not get crazy, this was nowhere near an encounter that anyone will talk about - and for that reason, I think it hurt the President in regards to election ramifications. Just my opinion.  Coming into this debate, President Trump was behind on the early polls - and of course, that's if you resign yourself to the legitimacy of said polls. 2016 would like to have a word with you if you do. However, I felt Trump needed a h...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/18/20

3 Up 1. Voting Motivation - I easily could have put this in the "down" section, after all, videos and stories of Americans waiting in line for 11 hours to vote is simply ridiculous. However, I'm going to be Mr. Brightside and say give major props to those people who are doing that. They are overcoming an intended effort to squash their participation, and are doing so with courage, resilience, and passion. It's just a glimpse of what could be in an America allowing ALL the right to vote.  2. New Political Outlooks - So yeah, Diddy is planning on creating a new political party. And yes, Ice Cube has been working on his famed project, A Contract with Black America. I'm not endorsing either one, but I am excited to see a renewed focus in looking at the two-party system we currently have in this country which has grown tired. We're doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It's time for new voices in the political process, and even, ne...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/11/20

  3 Up 1. Nobel Prize Winners - While 2020 has dished some sobering thoughts - or altering feelings - on Americana, it is nice to get the news that two Americans were awarded the Nobel Prize in economics to Paul Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson from Standford University. Their work has re-thought and re-imagined how auctions work.  2. Los Angeles Lakers & Seattle Storm - Congrats to the Lakers and Storm who wrapped up the year-long basketball season with championships. Even more so to LeBron James and Sue Bird who each earned their fourth championship at the age of 35 years old - remarkable. 2a. No COVID Cases - I've mentioned it several times, but the work of the NBA and NHL should very well be commended for created "bubbles" and environments where they finished their seasons with NO positive COVID cases. They pulled off the impossible, and yes, produced the best on-tv product in sports since the pandemic began.  3. VP Presidential Debate - Well, it wasn't a disaster...

Thoughts on the 2020 Vice-Presidential Debate

Well that sure felt much more civilized, didn't it?  The Vice-Presidential Debate carried so many storylines and drama going into it (i.e. The mess that was the first Presidential Debate and Coronavirus now running wild in the White House) that after this VP debate ended, it almost felt dare I say, normal! Of course, the usual dodging of questions occurred as well as the over-running on time allotted for responses which have become the usual for election debates, however, despite the contrasting feeling to last week's debate, this one was just okay. It had its moments of great debate and retorts (more on that in a bit), missed opportunities, and a few stingers, but still carried way too much of the fluff talking points and non-committal (or ignoring) of responses that have become too common in this climate. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/4/20

3 Up 1. Bob Gibson - The life of Bob Gibson ought to be celebrated after his passing this week. Gibson has been influential throughout the game, especially so for black baseball pitchers - a now rarity in the game. Also, if you, like me, learned of Gibson from mere historical intrigue, take a look at his baseball reference page which is absolutely sick.  2. Tampa Bay Lightning - Well, I didn't get to indulge in my annual "become-a-hockey-fan-during-playoffs" phase, but the Lightning now holds the Cup. Major congrats!  3. Lual Mayen - It is stories like Lual Mayen that truly gives me hope in mankind, and reinvigorate my by belief in the human spirit. Take a read, as I'm sure that you too would agree.  3 Down 1. First Presidential Election - Nothing but a disaster. I said my piece on the kickoff of these debate season. In a weird way, though, it all feels like so long ago.  2. Unemployment - The rise of unemployment is troubling in this market, especially as other dom...