Well, that was certainly different. And it was very much welcomed. It's amazing how much can be taken from a debate when it has order, structure, respect, and dialogue. Unfortunately, we had to resort to the cage match rules of debate - muting mics. Although, there were many moments where that should have happened as well and it didn't. Nonetheless, as stated, we'll take what we got. In the final 2020 Presidential Debate, America got the best debate of this election season between President Donald Trump and former Vice President, Joe Biden. But let's not get crazy, this was nowhere near an encounter that anyone will talk about - and for that reason, I think it hurt the President in regards to election ramifications. Just my opinion. Coming into this debate, President Trump was behind on the early polls - and of course, that's if you resign yourself to the legitimacy of said polls. 2016 would like to have a word with you if you do. However, I felt Trump needed a h...