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Showing posts from December, 2013

Dome Pondering - 2013 Year in Review

Is it just me, or did 2013 just fly by? Maybe it's just me. Maybe. Either way, this year felt like it started, happened, and wrapped up rather quickly. Really quickly. Regardless, here we are in the final hours of the year, reflecting, remembering, honoring, awarding, and concluding everything that was 2013. In traditional fashion, let's look back on 2013 as well as look toward 2014 with the DP's biggest post of the year ( like we do every year ) - the Year in Review post. In what has become a growing tradition here in the DPYIR post, I would like to thank all of you - the readers - for visiting this little site called Dome Pondering this year. What has been the upward trend over the past two years, once again rings true as the site has grown in content, feedback (always welcomed! - see: twitter ), and overall hits and readership. Again, a major thank you.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: We're the Millers (2013)

What is it about?  A veteran neighborhood drug dealer creates a fake family of interesting people in his neighborhood to transport a huge shipment of drugs from Mexico into the U.S. Who is in it?   Jason Sudeikis - David Clark Jennifer Aniston - Rose O'Reilly Will Poulter - Kenny Rosmore Emma Roberts - Casey Mathis

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 12/22/13

3 Up 1. Touching Christmas Wish - A woman's wish back when she was diagnosed with stage four terminal cancer was granted recently in this inspirational, albeit, interesting, story.  2. Peyton Manning - Congratulations to Peyton Manning on breaking (Tom Brady's) single-season touchdown record.He now has 51 (!) TDs with two weeks still to go in the season. Amazing.  3. Vacation - I just got back from a trip to the islands to see my family. It's winter here, and it's sunshine, seas, and smiles down there. Why wouldn't this be an "Up"?  3 Down 1. IAC PR Executive - The irony of this story is too great to be true. The idea that a public relations executive could tweet something so stupid is just mind-boggling. Not only that, you just have to wonder about the logic of insulting a place and it's people before you visit said place...and it's people.  2. Moronic Father - There are lots of parents out there that think their kid is

Marshall Mathers LP 2: Truth, Real, and Full Circle

This is extremely late. I know. Believe me, I know. Because of my hectic work schedule, I wasn't able to listen to Eminem's latest album, "Marshall Mathers LP 2" until this past week when I had plenty of downtime on vacation. In fact, I listened to the entire album not once, but twice, from beginning to end over the last week. It's that good. And that's not counting the numerous times humming and reciting verses from the album.  Again, it's that good.  And that is saying something as lately I have truly become disinterested in rap and hip hop. Not because of age, but because the genre just feels overloaded with music that lacks soul. Music that stands for something. And that includes Jay Z's "Magna Carter - Holy Grail" (Disappointing in my opinion). And you can also put me in that group that found "Yeezus" by Kanye West to be highly mind-boggling, despite the rave reviews it's gotten from many music publications. Bu

The IF Factor: Questions Answered: #311-320

311. If you could have any type of fresh cut flower delivered to your home every week, what one type would you pick? Hmmm... I'll go with a sunflower. Sun flowers are just bright and energetic. Hard to not feel happy when a sunflower is in the equation.  312. If you could have refereed one sports match in history, which one would you pick? Referees have a tough gig. As someone that evaluates officials for my intramural program, I've learned the smoothest, quickest, game is always the best games to officiate. With that said, I'll go with David Cone's perfect game with the New York Yankees. I wouldn't mind umping second base and getting to literally just watch Cone deal all day.

The Pondering 10 - Things I Don't Miss About College

After last week's Pondering 10 ( Things I Miss About College ), I felt it was only right to post the other side of the coin this week. After all, as I stated in that post, I truly don't miss college. I'm not one of those who are overly hung up on their college days and wish to relive it. I experience. I enjoyed. I grew up. I moved on. Ultimately, the reasons listed in this Pondering 10 list, are the sole reasons I do not miss college at all. Enjoy!

Pondering with Plumtree - Plumtree Trade Machine II

Pondering with Plumtree is a column on the popular blog, TNAsylum, that is written by yours truly. The blog is focused towards being a fan site for TNA Wrestling fans where they can get news, rumors, opinions, and any and everything else, TNA Wrestling. Known as "The Haven for TNA Wrestling Fans", I'm hoping to bring some of my thoughts to an already impressive roster of columnist for as long as the site will have me. You can read the latest column here, or in the text below.

Robbie Cano, Wanted the Money, Doncha Know!

Everyone wins. Yet, everyone loses. That's how I feel after the news came down that Robinson Cano was set to take is talents to Emerald City. I've never seen a talented player leave the Yankees in his prime. With the new initiative in place to not only get under that golden threshold of $189M, but now exercising their scar-leaving lesson learned from the Alex Rodriguez 10 year contract, it was anticipated this would occur.  After all, going into this off-season, I really never felt confident that Robinson Cano would be back in pinstripes. Never. Ever. Cano always seemed like the kind of star that didn't value the Yankee aura and legacy as much as others. And with Jay-Z looking to make a splash with his first client in a big free agent year, the chances (and needs) for a fit seemed very unlikely.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 12/8/13

3 Up 1. The Celebration of Nelson Mandela - It's a shame to see such a great leader pass away, but at the same time, it serves as a celebration and an education lesson for those who were not aware of him and his efforts during his time on earth. 2. 2015 Ford Mustang - I'm a big fan of American muscle cars, especially the Ford Mustang. I'm pretty impressed with the new model. Good job, Ford! 3. Home Alone - The movie never gets old around the Holiday season. Always a treat to watch Kevin protect the house. 3 Down 1. Veteran and New Father Killed - I read this story and it simply pulled on my heart. It's tough reading these kind of stories about a new father and a member of our armed forces being killed any time of the year, but it is especially tough during the Holiday season. 2. Dayna Morales - The gay waitress that became an internet sensation after stating she did not receive a tip from a family because she was gay has now been outed as a f

Remembering Nelson Mandela

I learned about him at the early age of five from my mother who I could tell at the time, really held him in high regards. At that age, it was evident that he was a very important man, and what he stood for was just as important.  As I got older, six, seven, eight, nine, I came to understand the meaning of apartheid from my mother and from my grade school teachers, who also found it important to explain to us what was going on in South Africa. I remember thinking this was terrible. I remember gravitating to this cause the way I found myself completely engulfed in learning any and everything about the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Obviously, as I got older and furthered research on my own, I came to learn about the beauty of Nelson Mandela. His leadership in unifying a nation after almost forty years of apartheid-rule, his perseverance through being unjustly jailed for twenty-seven years, and of course, his unbelievable forgiveness to those who favored apartheid, to

The Pondering 10 - Things I Miss About College

Working on a college/university campus, it is pretty hard not to see your days as an undergraduate in the eyes of those who I mentor or interact with. I see so many things daily, hear students talk about "what happened last night", and help many of them discuss issues and find their way through this life, I can't help but think back on those days in which I was in their shoes. Although overall, I don't miss it (another post to come!), there are some aspects I do miss about college. This Pondering 10 are exactly those things that I miss the most about college.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012)

What is it about?  A separated couple struggle with being friends while attempting to move on from their relationship.  Who is in it?  Rashida Jones - Celeste Andy Samberg - Jesse

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 12/1/13

3 Up Thanksgiving - A favorite holiday of mine that continues to be under attack by consumerism and sheer greed. Hopefully, you enjoyed the time with family, friends, and was able to give thanks for all that you have in your life.  CNN's Heroes - Stories of everyday people that go out of their way to help others are always inspirational. CNN does a great job with these focus pieces in their "Top 10 Heroes of the Year" highlight.  Auburn Win over Alabama - Unbelievable finish. Just a crazy win to end a storied rivalry game, in a insane atmosphere, with such drastic ramifications in College Football. But shame on those morons who are taking the game way too far .  3 Down Bronx Train Derailment - Such a sad story, especially for those (of us) that live in the New York City metro area. Just goes to show you that everyday and every moment is not guaranteed.  Black Friday Idiots - I never understand the dash for these sales. Maybe it's because I