On a day where Barack Obama receives the prestigious award of the Nobel Peace Prize, violence continues to show itself and it’s (unfortunately) intricate role in today’s society. In a recent interview with CNN, An-Jannette Albert, mother of Derrion Albert who was slain in Chicago, reacts to the unwarranted, unexplainable, and unbelievable death of her child. Albert’s interview, which will tug on your heart and your emotions, is highly recommended watch. Albert is filled with emotion as her response to Derrion’s death is heartbreaking, raw, and most importantly, real. Albert serves up the type of in your face truth regarding the current generation, our lack of caring, and our inability in addressing the issue. I truly believe the most honest words that Albert said were, “I’m scared.” And let’s be completely honest, a lot of us are. Without going down the road of sounding like an aging adult in this world, it is safe to say the conscious of this generation is absent, their restrai...