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Showing posts from April, 2017

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/30/17

3 Up 1. Chris Coghlan - Yo, Coghlan's jump over Yadier Molina will live on forever. FOREVER. If you haven't seen this play yet, you should. An obvious for DP Play of the Year.  2. Paul Allen - Kudos to Allen, co-founder of Microsoft who pledged $30M to build homes for the Seattle homeless. Allen's contributions are more awesome work from those at Microsoft in helping the nearby community, as well as beyond.  3. Anthony Rendon - Rendon had quite the week for a baseball player in one day! 6 for 6 with three home runs and 10 RBIs. No, Rendon is not a create-a-player. He's real, and he unleashed it all on the division-rival New York Mets.  3 Down 1. ESPN - The self-proclaimed leader in Sports laid off hundreds of talent, mostly very good journalists this week in a much-needed cost-cutting endeavor. Gone are some very credible writers and journalists, and of course, still on-board are the those who scream, make outlandish comments, and are the antithesi...

Pondering Picture #79

There are times I do get a bit of envy and wish I had things someone of my status would have access to - such as a home, a yard, a spacious garage to complete projects I always wanted to do. The thought of moving - finally! - out of New York City does cross my mind once in a while.  Then I take an adventure out on a nice day and get greeted with the view above. And my love for this city comes rushing back. Suburbs? Nah. Keep it. For now. 

Pondering Picture #78

This is YOUR life. Drive it like you stole it.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Little Boxes (2016)

What is it about? An interracial family deals with the effects of leaving New York City and moving to a Washington state suburb.  Who is in it?  Melanie Lynskey - Gina Nelsan Ellis - Mack Armani Jackson - Clark

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/23/17

3 Up 1. Serena Williams - Just when Serena Williams' legend couldn't grown any larger, we find out this week that not only is she pregnant, but yes, she won her last major while pregnant. I've said it for awhile, but Williams is one of the best athletes of all-time. Certainly one of mine.  2. Russell Westbrook - Yes, he's down 3-1 to James Harden and the Rockets, but the way he's putting up triple-doubles is unreal. It's basically video-game like at this point.  3. Fox News - A slight minor hit for Fox in finally - FINALLY - doing away with Bill O'Reilly and cleaning up the good old boy club they allowed to dominate the station, while also sexually harassing many. White old men...the privilege and power it produces never ceases to amaze me.  3 Down 1. North Korea Threat - So now North Korea is threatening to sink a U.S. Aircraft carrier. Anything North Korea typically makes me shake my head, and in the same though, concerned. It's am...

IMPACT Wrestling: First Impressions Under New Management

I wanted to wait for a full set of tapings to air under the new Impact Wrestling regime before making a judgement on the new product. After all, if the history of this company has taught me anything, it's never to really trust any sort of reset, new direction, or changeover it endures. As a follower since the very first show in 2002, this company has provided me with some of my favorite wrestling moments, but truthfully, has given me more heartache as of late than memorable moments.  Nonetheless, here we are...again! This time, the "new beginning" is legit, with the key aspect being the removal of Dixie Carter, and the insert of Anthem as new owners, and the return of Jeff Jarrett in a weird Steve Jobs-sort of way, to do it the way he wanted to the first time. Maybe with a bit more seasoning and understanding this time around.  After several weeks, I have to say, I am very pleased with the product. Very pleased. For this fan, dare I say, there is hope once ag...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Sing Street (2016)

What is it about?  A boy in Dublin starts a band to impress a girl, but ends up finding out much more than he intended.  Who is in it?  Ferdia Walsh-Peelo - Conor Aiden Gillen - Robert Lucy Boynton - Raphina

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/16/17

3 Up 1. Easter - Although my last few Easters have been a bit different than what I've experience my entire life, I still enjoy the Holiday. It's a special time, especially to be renewed in faith. He is risen!  2. The Fate and the Furious - So I haven't seen the film yet, and most likely won't until it hits on-demand. Regardless, it's amazing to read the $532.5M opening weekend revenue the film generated. Especially for a film that isn't the best, but now has a reputation to be a must-see.  3. Chase Headley - Yes, THAT Chase Headley. Twelve games into the season, and the Yankee third basemen is raking, playing steller baseball, and currently owns a .489 OBP.  3 Down 1. Fox News - So apparently marginalizing muslims continues to be a thing, and is now accepted on national television. What is wrong with people? Ugh... 2. Facebook Killer - This is the type of thing everyone worries about with social media providing the ability to provide p...

Porzingis' Concern is Cause For Concern

Here we go. Strap yourself in for yet another development in this utterly disastrous New York Knicks season. I often wonder if this franchise were anywhere else BUT New York, would it even survive?  Regardless, after giving us garbage all year, even exit interviews and the end-of-the year process has given us Knicks fans more New York Knicky things to digest. First, Phil Jackson is back for the remaining two years on his deal. Yay. That was utterly sarcastic by the way.  Then, Jackson went all President Trump on us by dropping the bomb on the topic that has been danced around for the passed three years - openly admitting he's not in the corner of Caremlo Anthony in any way.  I think with the direction of our team, he would be better off somewhere else.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Fences (2016)

What is it about?  A working-class black man in the 1950's tries to raise and support his family in the 1950's while coming to grips with the events in his life that lead him to this point. Who is in it?  Denzel Washington - Troy Maxson Vola Davis - Rose Maxson Stephen Henderson - Jim Bono

NBA MVP Race, and Right To Be Called "Superstar"

There are many who very worthy of the NBA's Most Valuable Player for this season. A viable argument can be made for LeBron James, Kawhi Leonard, James Harden, and Russell Westbrook, all players who bring forth impressive resumes as candidates for the honor of the NBA's top award.  For me, my selection for MVP is indeed Westbrook. Don't get me wrong, the others, as stated above, anyone can make a very good case for. In fact, you can even go as far as saying LeBron James is the game's MVP every single time he touches a basketball court. I'd be totally cool with that if that were the situation and angle you want to take in this role.   But back to Westbrook. I am completely buying in on the season he's put together. Everything about this season, and everything he has done screams "valuable" in my eyes. The impressive triple-double record, the super-impressive accomplishment of averaging - AVERAGING! - a triple double, and the super-duper impr...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/9/16

3 Up 1. Russell Westbrook - I know the NBA's MVP debate is a good one. Really, a suffice argument can be made for all the options in the discussion. However, Westbrook is my guy. 42 triple doubles! Averaged - AVERAGED - a Triple Double this season! And yes, has led the Thunder to the playoffs! That's my pick - my guy. And I hope to have a post up this week with more on Westbrook. Unbelievable.  2. Girl with Black Doll - Kudos to the two year old girl who selected a black doll for her mom to purchase, and defended her choice against the cashier, who questioned her choice, and did so with the innocence only a child could have. The gall of adults sometimes? Unbelievable.  3. Warm Weather - It's FINALLY showing some signs of life in the weather department. Spring is definitely on it's way. Can't wait. Had to give this some love. You all know I love me some warm weather.  3 Down 1. Syria Gas Attack - What else can I say that hasn't been said, o...

Predictions and Wild Guesses For the 2017 MLB Season

This offseason wasn't too bad - Thank You World Baseball Classic. And yes, thank you college baseball, you know, for those true baseball nerds like me who watch these levels of the game. But here we are. Another start of the season (well, after the season) and poised for warmer weather, baseball games, and the greatest game on earth. As tradition goes around these parts, here are my predictions (and a few wild guesses) for the 2017 MLB Season:

Wrestlemania 33: Average, Memorable, and Stuff in Between

Courtesy: After this Wrestlemania faded to black, I had the most difficult time remembering or recollecting my thoughts on the entire show. Wrestlemania 33 by no means was terrible, however, it wasn't well, special. And from the reputation that precedes the event, and quite frankly, hearing JBL discuss having a "Wrestlemania Moment" every seven seconds, as a viewer and pro wrestling fan, the standards are pretty high. After all, it's the biggest show of the year.  Nonetheless, all I can remember is The Undertaker, and him finally walking away for good. And really, I strongly believe in ten years when we do look back upon this Wrestlemania, that exactly will be the consensus thought and memory. Whether that was the plan of the WWE is up for debate, but one thing is for sure, Wrestlemania had that feeling of being, "not bad." Regardless, here are some quick notes and thoughts on the show:

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/2/17

3 Up 1. Women's College Basketball - Anyone who thinks UCONN's win streak was bad for women's college basketball should look no further than the Final Four game between Auriemma's ladies and Mississippi State. What a game! Despite losing the championship to South Carolina (congrats SC!), the game seems to now be entering some competitive parity.  2. The Undertaker - Of course, it's Wrestlemania Sunday, and I just finished watching the spectacle that is Vince's creation. Despite an average show - more on that in another post - witnessing The Undertaker's last match was rough. The dude is just another piece of my childhood. Thanks so much, Taker.  3. Baseball is Back - It was 62 degrees out, and baseball is back. Yes!  3 Down 1. Mike Flynn - What in the world is going on with this regime? Now this dude wants immunity? Ugh.  2. Derrick Rose - What a shame. I was all for the Knicks NOT resigning Rose following this disastrous season. Ho...