Welcome to the first installment of movie reviews here at the DP. It has been a section that yours truly has had brewing for a long time, but wanted to make sure the time, creativity, format, effort, and most importantly, zeal was right in doing so. For years films have garnered a variety of criticism, praise, hype, and disregard. Despite a sure definition, yours truly plans to contribute (by clarity or disagreement) to the area of gray regarding movies, films and documentaries. With that said, let's dive right in and look at the section's initial review: The Final Season. What it's about? The True story about Kent Stock, and the 1991 season of the Norway High School baseball team. After politics and envy force the school to merge with a nearby (and larger) district, Stock replaces his mentor, Coach Jim Van Scoyoc, a move to ensure the team's failure, and to break the spirit and tradition in Norway. After winning 19 titles in 23 years, Stock must overcome the