3 Up 1. Inauguration Day - It's kind of nice when the transition of power happens peacefully, right? Without any drama? The county needs less drama right now. I'm not sure what the next administration will bring, but the inauguration didn't feel all that abnormal - which is good. 2. Baseball Hall of Fame Class 2025 - It's a tremendous class full of very deserving players. Much love for Ichiro and Sabathia - loved watching them both. 3. Higher Education Enrollment - Welp, when we expected the big enrollment cliff to happen, we get this news?! Higher Ed on the rise?! What?! I'm excited about this, but with expected changes in education to come, it's going to be interesting to see how long this lasts. 3 Down 1. January 6th Pardons - Come on. I'm trying to give this Trump administration a chance. I really am. But this move is not it for me. Not. At. All. 2. DEI Term - Add DEI to the other buzzwords that elicit outrage and strong feelings without a complete ...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"