"It's about time we have a (Fill in the blank) president."
With the new year, not only comes an extra day in February, but the full court press of campaigning and candidate awareness, on the road to the White House. Every presidential election is important due to its ability to transcend a nation into a new era, however, none has been of such importance during this generation. President Bush's popularity, image and support has dwindled as he comes into the final stretch of his presidency. In a term that has seen many actions and incomplete performances, the nation has become ready for a new era, a new leader, and a new direction.
With the opening to run this country, and a lot of issues (economy, real estate market, war on terrorism etc.) to not only address, but resolve, choosing Bush's successor has intrigued many, even critics who have declined to vote in recent years. Clinton. Edwards. Gravel. Kucinich. Obama. Guliani. Huckabee. Hunter. Keyes. McCain. Paul. Romney. Thompson. The options are numerous, and their views and plans vary just as much.
However, recently it has seems that many have supported candidates based on "what" they are instead of who they are. Throughout the short primary season, many have been heard stating "I'm supporting Hilary because it is time for a female president" or "America is ready for a minority president" or "I'm not voting for him because he is too religious."
This kind of thought has become widespread and rampant.
Although it is human nature to support the candidate that is more "in-tune" with you as an American, voting based upon gender, religion, or race is as dangerous as the doubled-edge sword analogy that mirrors it. With a candidate pool that is the most diverse in American history, voting because you think this nation is ready to have it's first female or African-American president is a disservice to the power of your vote and your support of a candidate.
So yes, many other countries have female political leaders. Yes, many nations have minority representatives. However, a president should not be chosen because of their race, religion, and gender, or even because of their political party, but based upon their qualifications, views and plans for this great nation. Instead of taking it upon yourself to "make history" for this nation, take it upon yourself to make history for this nation.
For any other way will cheat the democratic process with discrimination, and cloudy judgment.
With the new year, not only comes an extra day in February, but the full court press of campaigning and candidate awareness, on the road to the White House. Every presidential election is important due to its ability to transcend a nation into a new era, however, none has been of such importance during this generation. President Bush's popularity, image and support has dwindled as he comes into the final stretch of his presidency. In a term that has seen many actions and incomplete performances, the nation has become ready for a new era, a new leader, and a new direction.
With the opening to run this country, and a lot of issues (economy, real estate market, war on terrorism etc.) to not only address, but resolve, choosing Bush's successor has intrigued many, even critics who have declined to vote in recent years. Clinton. Edwards. Gravel. Kucinich. Obama. Guliani. Huckabee. Hunter. Keyes. McCain. Paul. Romney. Thompson. The options are numerous, and their views and plans vary just as much.
However, recently it has seems that many have supported candidates based on "what" they are instead of who they are. Throughout the short primary season, many have been heard stating "I'm supporting Hilary because it is time for a female president" or "America is ready for a minority president" or "I'm not voting for him because he is too religious."
This kind of thought has become widespread and rampant.
Although it is human nature to support the candidate that is more "in-tune" with you as an American, voting based upon gender, religion, or race is as dangerous as the doubled-edge sword analogy that mirrors it. With a candidate pool that is the most diverse in American history, voting because you think this nation is ready to have it's first female or African-American president is a disservice to the power of your vote and your support of a candidate.
So yes, many other countries have female political leaders. Yes, many nations have minority representatives. However, a president should not be chosen because of their race, religion, and gender, or even because of their political party, but based upon their qualifications, views and plans for this great nation. Instead of taking it upon yourself to "make history" for this nation, take it upon yourself to make history for this nation.
For any other way will cheat the democratic process with discrimination, and cloudy judgment.