"From now on, it can never be the same as before.
Cause the place I'm from doesn't exist anymore."
Cause the place I'm from doesn't exist anymore."
Life can seem hard as you look forward, plotting and calculating a future of potential moves. Improving and motivating yourself to reach that potential is an everyday grind that is rigorous and demanding. The ins and outs, the yes and no's, the options, the commitments, the failures, the triumphs and the tragedies, all can make life as complicated as we have already known it to be.
However, it all seems so easy sometimes, when we "try" to reduce life down to a simple formula. We recognize life for it's ability to change, alter, and form into different forms. Times change. People grow. Eras come to an end. We've come to grips with our current reality so much so, that we embrace our new adventure whole heartedly- and a half, in order to blanket our feelings for the past. With each chapter, we bring a piece of us (or at least attempt to) into our new beginnings. These new beginnings which are undoubtedly inevitable, are undeniably supported by a past.
It's a past we sometimes feel skeptical about. A past which now has no bearing on your current status to cause direct connection or influence on your goals and aspirations. A past we have deemed outdated not in quality, but in ability to replicate, and thrown into a vault, only useful for stories and morals.
We need a past to hold onto. A past to carry forward. We need that past. A past which can help direct and support the way you follow through into each new era, each new day, each new you. It's life in its simplest form. A solid foundation.
It is a solid foundation built upon more than memories, but feelings. The things you have experienced, the people that have entered and exited your life, and most of all, the feelings and maturity that you have gained from it all, are a solid rock anchoring your soul. It may not ever be the same again, and more than likely it will never exist again, but it's still alive. Somehow, somewhere, it is still alive.
And one day when it clicks, when its alive, truly alive...you will realize life, in it's simplest form.
R.I.P. E91st St.