We're undoubtedly in a special time in history, specifically in politics.
We're so fractured. Tremendously fractured. Beyond differences, in ways that I'm not even sure either party or those who identify with either party, remember the ideals the parties are to represent.
And now, we find ourselves in the aftermath of a potential Presidential candidate, and a former President, in an attempted assassination. One inch - probably even less than that - from being in a catastrophic rock bottom moment of which we would have no one to blame but ourselves.
Thank the Good Lord for the minuscule distance of separation.
But this is where we find ourselves. In this political divide. In the middle of this toxicity within the political community. Unable to pull ourselves from the hyperdrive medium that is our national media outlets. Our continued issues with guns in a modern age, and how they end up in the wrong hands. And yes, those damn conspiracy theories. Here we are.
And yet, tonight was just surreal.
We've found ourselves in an indescribable space. All I know is, it's terrible. And I'm not sure where we go from here. Or even more fearful, how or what a united country in this varied space looks like once again.
Some other quick thoughts:
- I'm not a supporter of President Trump - you can find my reasons throughout this website. However, no one should find themselves in such a position within our political spectrum. It's a relief he is okay.
- Is it just me, or are assassinations the kind of thing that felt so "history-book-ish" that living through an attempted one feels crazy?!
- I still can't believe how close the bullet came...
- Along that same thought, I shudder to think of the insanity should it not have been a close call. All you need to do is look at the madness posted online from those calling for a "civil war". Absurd stuff.
- Trump rising from the collapse, with blood leaking down his cheek, surrounded by security, and pumping his fist while shouting "fight, fight" to chants of "USA! USA!" was indeed pretty badass. Trump's martyrdom is about to rise to levels of which we cannot imagine.
- Yet, call me crazy, but I doubt any of this really affects the outcome of the election. As stated prior, I do believe most voters have already made up their minds on how they're voting. I would like to hear from voters who find themselves switching - Biden to Trump, or Trump to Biden - in November. And why?
- America has a gun problem. But we already knew that.
- I remember sitting on my couch as a thirteen-year-old suffering through a sick day when the Columbine Shooting happened in 1999. I was enthralled in what was unfolding on my television. How can this be the real world?!
There was that same eerie feeling once again watching news coverage on my couch as this story unfolded through the night into the early morning. I couldn't help but think we've failed to raise strong and responsible men in this country.
- I know this is a pipe dream, but imagine how far it would go toward cooling tensions if Biden and Trump had a joint presser calling for civility at this time? How powerful would that be to de-escalate further political polarization in our nation?
Yeah, I know...tough chance of that happening! But come on, isn't it as easy as that if we're solely talking about "unity" as a nation and not policy? For me, it's thoughts like that that often make me wonder if we're even in a space of caring for one another or somehow focused on "winning" or demonizing the other side. And if the feelings are already that strong, aren't we already in some twisted cold civil war?
- On that note, I do think of the families who lost loved ones and others who are in critical condition after simply exercising their right to go to a rally. It's not expected. And it shouldn't be. But again, just add another location where you can't be safe.
One has to think if you're not safe at an event for a former President with Secret Service detail, then, where is safe?
- Just for the people who glossed over it above - we have a gun problem in this country.
And finally...
- As a registered independent and your classic voter that needs swaying (and has voted red and blue), I've been discouraged about this race, and thus far - the first debate and now this unfortunate event - has done nothing to light a spark. In fact, it probably has made me even more apathetic to the race. Biden - eh. Trump - eh. Has either side discussed policies? Are we just rooting for our team at this point?
Neither party makes me feel like the country will be in a better place for my sons.
There is still time, I guess.
Nonetheless, we have to be better than this, no? And if we aren't, then what are we going forward?