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The Pondering 10 - Annoying Facebook Users

The age of FaceBook is upon us, and for the foreseeable future, is here to stay. Facebook is everywhere, and is included in everything. It is a primary source of information, social networking, and overall connection to the rest of the world. The ability to stay connected with loved ones, friends, and even those we've lost touch with over the years is amazing. While I do enjoy the benefits of Facebook, there are several aspects of Facebook that cause you to shake your head about it's existence, specifically, its abuse by fellow users. The following Pondering 10 list are the most annoying types of users on Facebook.

10. The Grammar Challenged User - These folks may not bother most, but for a lover of words, the English language, and yes, grammar, this does indeed bug me. I understand there is an internet lingo that goes back as far as it's creation (e.g. LOL), but are sentences such as "I cant get wid dis" necessary? I understand if it is used for a joke, but to write like this all the time is not cool or cutting edge. Sorry, it just makes you look uneducated. 

9. The Compulsive Invite User - These people just love to send you invitations. Whether it be to their newly formed group for a party or an event, or sometimes, that undying question we all have of finding out which "Jersey Shore" cast member you are. Umm, thanks, but no thanks. And please stop. 

8. The Stalker User - This is the friend that you have that barely updates, has no profile or any pictures, and seems to not have had any activity in the past year. Yet, when you talk to them in person, they are aware of everyone's business, including yours, through facebook. Yes, that creepy look comes across your face when they know way too much about a conversation or wall post you had the other day, is shared by many.  

7. The "I am here" User - This is the friend that checks in everywhere, and feels the entire world needs to know. Ok, you are at the library, and now you are at the supermarket. Wonderful. My life is now complete.
6. The Super Friend User - This is the person that meets you at a bar through a friend's friend, who happens to work with another person that dates someone you went to school with, and decides to befriend you on Facebook. In fact, this person requests everyone they come in contact with as Friends. I know it's only Facebook, but there is a limit on who to allow access to your information. Our one time (or once in a lifetime) encounter does not qualify you to that information. 

5. The "Full Court" Press or Facebook Addict User - The Facebook user that is just everywhere. The one that comments on all of your (and everyone else's) uploaded photos, comments on your (and yes, everyone else's) status 2 minutes after they are posted, and averages about 4 status updates per day. How can we forget? These users of course have several different games going that they want you to join. This person is all over the platform to the point of suffocation. Sometimes you wonder if this person has a real life. An intervention is needed. 

4. The Paparazzi User - Ever been tagged in a photo you weren't even posing for? Even merely passing in the background? Yeah, well the person on the other end is the Paparazzi Facebook User. He or She is the type that takes all sorts of random photos the night before, and posts every single one of them on Facebook (of course minus the pics of themselves). Annoying? Very much so.

3. The "I Can't Get Over" College User - Ah yes, this is where the nerves are really struck, and the blood begins to boil. These are the friends that comment every other day about their college experience at your shared alma mater. Yes, they count down to every date that was important in college (move in, homecoming, etc...) and honors each of these days in remembrance and novelty. College was a great time, and it is over. Get over it.Move on, please!

2. Attention Seekers - The person that feels the need to have status updates for the sheer purpose of garnering attention. These are the same people that post news "first", or so they think (e.g. Michael Jackson is dead!!); post useless and attention seeking polls throughout the day (e.g. What are you favorite cartoon growing up?); post overly sympathetic comments, (e.g. Had a bad day guys. Not sure what I am going to do now), a personal favorite, posting videos everyone has already seen as if it were first released by them, (e.g. music videos); and of course the constant updates on their lives. Oh, how the world of Facebook  has fed the little egos of our society.

1. TMI Status Users - These users unfortunately, are offenders of #2, sometimes #3, and are of your most annoying users on facebook. They are the ones that feel everything they do is necessary to be read by the entire world. Too. Much. Information. I'm sure we've all seen the user that feels the need to tell information that no one really cares about or needs to know. These users have no boundaries of privacy, and expound upon everything - everything - that is going on in their lives. Yeah, thanks for sharing. Not really.

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