#15 - Create a film/movie/short clip |
Keeping in line with the December spirit of completing these 2011 Bucket List tasks, yours truly has knocked off another one. This time, it is #15 - Create a film/movie/short clip. With very little time, and very little ambition (necessary looking to create the next blockbuster film) yours truly set out in the world of Windows Movie Maker to create a slideshow that is not only somewhat respectable, but reflective as well.
There is not much that I can give away on the substance, design, or formation of the video, other than it is connected to the biggest DP post of the year, the Dome Pondering Year In Review. However, I will say that I have dabbled in Windows Movie Maker in the past, once making a goofy slideshow for the tag team partner on Valentine's day, and it is something I find myself having a lot of fun with. Moving forward, I see videos becoming a larger part of the DP. Video blogs? Maybe. Video packages ala UFC and WWE? If I only had the ability to do that. Nonetheless, this task, much like photoshop did a few years ago, opened up a new realm of avenues that can further enhance this journey that is Dome Pondering.
Be sure to check back for the Dome Pondering 2011 Year In Review.