11. Would you rather spend three weeks cleaning the bathrooms at LAX or spend 48 hours under observation in a psychiatric ward?
I would probably prefer to spend the three weeks cleaning the bathrooms at LAX. 48 hours under observation really can be damaging, and quite frankly, if it's in isolation, that would be a nightmare. At least at LAX there is a silver lining experience that could come out of that work.
12. Would you rather get married through an arranged marriage or spend the rest of your life being single and never dating anyone?
Arranged marriage. That may sound crazy, but there are at least some odds of liking the person you are set up with. Heck, it might even be a hit. Being single and never dating, really, never sharing life with anyone - that's absolutely zero odds. I'll take my chances with the arranged marriage.
13. Would you rather have the next year off at full pay or get paid double at your current job for the next year?
Paid double. I actually love my job, and to be paid double with the same vacation time would be fantastic. Plus, the extra money would give me so much more opportunities and financial support for options for my vacations.
14. Would you rather eat three whole raw habanero peppers or perform CPR on a stranger?
CPR on stranger. At least I'm potentially saving a life, the worst, helping someone in dire need. What would be the point of eating raw habanero peppers?
15. Would you rather live without TV for the rest of your life or give up coffee for good?
Give up coffee. I like coffee, but I also like tea. TV is essential for me in baseball season. Coffee is not worth that at all. Not even close.
16. Would you rather give up your smartphone for two months or give up alcohol for a year?
Alcohol for a year. With my job, I survive on a smartphone. And personally, from my music, to blogs, to reading news, to whatever, my smartphone - much like everyone these days - is very essential.
17. Would you rather give up Instagram forever or eat the same meal for the rest of your life?
Ummm, bye Instagram. I love ya, but I like food more.
18. Would you rather not use email for a week or be hungover for four days?
Being hungover for four days sounds like hell. Really. I hate being hungover for a few minutes. I would give up e-mail for a week for sure.
19. Would you rather win a free laptop or a trip to Hawaii?
Hahaha - hello Hawaii! I'll buy my own laptop, thanks.
20. Would you rather eat roadkill for the rest of your life or have every person in the world sound like Gilbert Gottfried?
This is a rather weird one. Actually, seriously weird. I'll go with having everyone sound like Gilbert Gottfried. Sounds like a "them" problem. Give me something else to eat and enjoy rather than "roadkill"