3 Up
1. Insulin Cap - Eli Lilly stepped up to the plate this week and delivered the news that it would slash insulin costs up to 70% and provide a cap of $25 on its price. Considering what insulin costs in this country, compared to others, that's a bold step for Big Pharma, and yeah, a right step in just being decent humans.
2. New York Knicks - I don't care. Be mad at me. My boys are rolling. I'm not sure what it is, but Julius Randle is the athlete I continue to believe in - this year, that loyalty is paying off.
3. Creed III Debut - No, no, no. I didn't go to the movie theater. Long-time readers here know the deets on that - that no movie theater streak is still going strong. Regardless, I'm giving props to Michael B Jordan and Creed III which crushed it at the box office. The franchise really has developed into a strong entity.
3 Down
1. Airport Explosives Caught - I'm giving this the top spot because for some reason, in a world of absolute chaos and other forms of evil, stories like THIS get hidden. Are we really going back to where we have to worry about airline safety once again?
2. Americans Killed in Mexico - Such a tragic and unfortunate story. You can just see the international tension and typical racial tropes rising to the social surface on this one.
3. Chris Rock Response - Rock has EVERY right to feel however he wanted to about the slap that, in my opinion, was the year's most overrated story. However, Rock's response after a year of build-up was terrible. I just thought it was not witty, clever, or carried any kind of intellect the way top comedians are able to do. Total letdown.
3 Interesting
1. Murdoch's Admission - So Fox News was aware they were peddling false stories about the election coverage. Now, the Dominion trial is unearthing it all. I'm so curious how those who threw soooooo much of themselves into Trump and the height of MAGA move on from this. Also, how can anyone find credibility in FOX News?
2. Undocumented Immigrants - A recent NY Times article discussed that plenty of undocumented immigrants are now leaving the US to return home to their native land. It's such an interesting dynamic, especially from the lens of American exceptionalism.
3. Chicago Mayor Race - Lori Lightfoot is out as Mayor of Chicago. Expect the discussion of safety to ramp up now - possibly take some interesting tones in discussion - considering the nation's talking point for anything on policing and socio-safety is making a change.
Cover Photo
Michael B. Jordan stars as Adonis Creed in CREED III
Eli Ade © 2023