It has been eight years since the horrible events of September 11th, 2001. A date that will always be remembered for its assurance of the wicked ways of the world, and the evil actions it drives.
Every year, 9/11 is a constant reminder of how short our lives can be.
A constant reminder of the cost of freedom.
Most importantly, every September 11th reminds me of the power of God, his love, and his presence.
Despite the constant disputes from many non-believers, and even some of you reading these words right now, the presence and remnant of a steel structured cross is no coincidence. In fact, its design remained so perfectly, architects and designers insist it was supernaturally enforced.
September 11th remains a day where we are reminded that it does not matter how much the ground shakes, how much devastation occurs, or how much everything falls apart. God is the the alpha and the omega, the be all, and end all.
And that is the greatest insurance and security one can have in this evil world.