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365 Though Provoking Questions. Answered: #210-225

210. When was the last time you lost your temper?  About what?

Oddly, the last time I truly lost my temper was at a friend's get together. Another friend had too much to drink and while I was hanging on to my wife's SLR camera while she mingled, he jumped on me and began throwing my in a headlock in an attempt to choke me. While doing this, he incidentally hit my wife's new (and very expensive) camera several times. Out of the nowhere without any rhyme or reason.  I went from zero to sixty in a few seconds (something very rare for me), got him off of me and let him have it. Nonetheless, I was over it in five minutes, as I saw his condition and simply let the situation pass.

211. What will you never give up on?

I will never give up on life. It sounds pretty cliche and a bit of a cheap answer, but it is true. All of the miracles, love, peaks, valleys, possibilities, experiences, and dreams this race offers is not something that should be given up on. Everyday there is a chance for something new and something great, and regardless of how pessimistic your outlook on life may be, that is one concept you simply can't deny.
More Thought Provoking Questions. Answered.

212. When you look into the past, what do you miss the most?

I simply miss being a child. It kills me to see how accelerated the childhood of today's generation is. It seems everyone wants to grow up quickly, take that next step, and take part in the big boy and big girl activities.  Heck, parents today are putting their children in positions to start their careers (or "careers") at a young age, whether it be sports or acting or whatever.

I simply miss waking up, going outside and playing whatever sport is the game of the day or even the silly games you make up. Everything from the subtle things that you found extraordinary to the simple camaraderie amongst friends.

213. How would you describe the past year of your life in one sentence?

My last year has been about change and transition. 

Married. New apartment. New adventures. New milestones. It has been a new chapter. One that I am still learning to perfect, but one that has been a thrill so far. 

214. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

I've done a lot of minor things spontaneously such as trips or simple decisions. As I've gotten older, I've become more calculated and more safe. Honestly, I over think every decision I'm about to make before doing it. 

However, my answer for this would have to be asking my now wife out when we were in college. We were hanging out for awhile and were friends long before, and for some reason, at a party, I just decided to ask her out. "Hey, you wanna like, be my girlfriend. Like, go out, you know, be my main squeeze and stuff". I know, tremendously romantic. The kind of stuff all little girls dream of. Luckily, she accepted this crazy decision, and it's been one of the best one's I've made in my life thus far.

215. What makes you uncomfortable?

Being around individuals who swear and are often derogatory in character.

Also, being in environments, cultures, and customs with large amounts of people that I am not familiar with.

216. If you had to move 3000 miles away, what one thing would you miss the most?

The passion New York City. From sports to fashion to politics or whatever the subject is, whether right, wrong, or indifferent, this city always is good for debate and always has passion. 

217. What worries you about the future?

What doesn't worry me about the future? Sometimes the future is scary, especially when you think of all the possibilities that can happen. However, that's if you look at it with a pessimistic view. What worries me the most is the inability to provide for my myself, my family, and my friends. 

218. What one ‘need’ and one ‘want’ will you strive to achieve in the next twelve months?

I need to figure out the next step in my life, and where that next step will lead me. Whether, this is a new job, a new apartment/home, kids, volunteer work, new hobbies, or simply staying the course and continuing to build on what is currently the status quo. 

I want to expand my life to reach others and continue to stay connected to those who I truly care about moving forward. 

219. What life lessons did you have to experience firsthand before you fully understood them?

  • Even though there is good inside of all people, you will not always get their best, and very rarely, their good.
  • A life where God is not the center of your life, is one that is centered around chaos and is a life unfulfilled. 
  • Life is short, and time is of the essence. 
  • No matter how educated or "experienced" you might think you are, somehow, Mom and Dad, or any other elders in your life, are always right, or on the path to being right. 
  • No matter how much you think you can help a person, at the end of the day, it is up to them to want to be helped.
  • Understanding women is an unattainable goal. 
  • Everything happens for a reason. And sometimes, those reasons won't be discovered immediately. 
  • This world is oh so wicked. (I know this is obvious, but sometimes it is simply amazing think about).

220. Do you like the city or town you live in?  Why or why not?

Absolutely! New York City. Best place on earth. 

As I stated above in question #216, there is a certain passion, character, and drive that takes place in this city. Especially the pride for those that are born and raised here. It's like no other. And I truly believe as Frank Sinatra once sang, "if you can make it here, you can make it (*bum* bum*) anywhere!"

221. What’s the best part of being you?

Okay, this is by far the hardest question I have had to answer. I hate talking about myself. 

So to quickly get past this, I'll just say, simply being a relaxed individual that likes to dream, experience, and doesn't take life too seriously. 

222. When you look back over the past month, what single moment stands out?

Over the past month, easily it has to be these two moments Looking Death in the Face and Looking Death in the Face (Again).

223. What do you do to relieve stress?

Blog. Workout. Play video games. Watch movies. And enjoy a beer. 

224. What is your happiest memory?

So far, it has to be the day I got married. Simply because it was the crescendo of a lot of things personally, and it was also a place where many family, friends, and favorites were in the same place to celebrate.

225. What is your saddest memory?

I think it would have to be the time period where I was laid off and things just became such a burden mentally, physically, financially, and most of all spiritually. However, as two of the life lessons mentioned earlier, I learned to get myself right before God, and that yes, everything happens for a reason. The extra time eventually lead to attaining my Masters degree. 

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