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365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #194-209

194. What three questions do you wish you knew the answers to?

Why are annoying oblivious to their level of annoyance? Same for conceited individuals.

How does a person that steals from or murders an individual,  live with such guilt on their conscious?

How good is Jesus at baseball? I know this one is silly, but it is always something I wondered. He'd probably be the best hitter/pitcher we've ever seen. Imagine how nasty his curve ball would be? Would he throw perfect games all the time?!

195. What is the greatest peer pressure you’ve ever felt?

The typical try marijuana routine I think everyone eventually experiences. 

There was also a time when we were a bit older, lifelong friends I grew up wanted me to go with them to confront this other kid who apparently did something to offend someone on our block. Needless to say, at this stage, I was moving (which was their focus in the peer pressure), and well, I've seen Boyz N' the Hood, and I knew the only way a situation like that could possibly end - bad.

More Thought Provoking Questions. Answered.

196. What’s the biggest lie you once believed was true?

Whenever I did anything bad as a young child, my mother would tell me that she'd call the police to come and get me if I didn't listen and do what I was told. Worked every time as I thought I could go to jail if a parent reported their child. And yes, I definitely plan on using this tactic when I'm a father one day. Sneaky, sneaky. 

197. In your lifetime, what have you done that hurt someone else?

I've said many mindless, idiotic, borderline bully-ish comments in my hey day to other students. I've gotten my share of those as well, and I guess whatever insults I received, I sent that hurt and pain onto someone else. In some weird way, it was the law of existence in late elementary and most of middle school.

198. What’s the best part of growing older?

Paying bills and everything becoming complicated, of course!

Seriously, the best part is indeed learning, experiencing, and figuring out the truths in this race called life. It also doesn't hurt to finally grow into and mature as a person by truly understanding who you are. 

199. What’s been on your mind most lately?

Attempting to figure out what the next step in my life is. Professionally, emotionally, personally - where do I go?

200. What do you think is worth waiting for?

True love and your favorite team winning a championship. 

201. What chances do you wish you had taken?
Sometimes I wish I had taken the chance of transferring High Schools. I might have lost the credit of being a year ahead - which eventually didn't matter as I stayed for my senior year - but I always wondered if I transferred to a better school, how things might have turned out.

202. Where else would you like to live?  Why?

Los Angeles - I've been there, and I consider it to be very, very cool. Laid back, and easy going. And I won't lose that big city vibe. 

San Francisco - Another big city, and an international one as well. San Fran seems like such an amazing place to live from what I've seen on House Hunters. Ha!

San Diego - 75 degrees and sunny year-round? Sign me up. Lego Land is just the icing on top. 

Finally, New Jersey - There are really nice areas in Jersey despite popular belief, and it's also a cheap cop out answer to stay near the best place in the world, New York City.

203. What motivates you to go to work each day?

I'll be honest, lately, as I look for my next step professionally, there are some days it's just the simple idea of a paycheck and providing for my family. 

Other days, its the motivation of helping others, and to somewhat steal and modify a line from Chris Jericho, become the very best at what I do, each and every single day. 

204. What do you wish you had done differently?

Honestly, nothing. There are many moments that are embarrassing which I reflect on and wonder, what the heck I was thinking? However, everything has lead me to this point. Sounds so cliche, but very true. All the embarrassments, the failed relationships, the poor decisions, the failures, and even accomplishments, life lessons, and momentous occasions, I wouldn't really change anything.

205. What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?

Strength - Poise. Rationale. Understanding.

Weakness - Self-confidence. Legs and knees.

206. When was the last time you lied?  What did you lie about?

Today. I told an Athletic Director looking to set up a meeting with me that I didn't have time available for the next two weeks. Umm, yeah, I did, I just didn't want to meet with her. She can be annoying.

207. What made you smile this week?

Well between Looking Death In The Face and Looking Death In The Face (Again), there wasn't much to smile about. The answer is probably my wife and her crazy shenanigans or something from pro wrestling. Been a tough week. But those two are always a constant.

208. What do you do with the majority of your money?

After rent and bills, the remaining funds usually going in a savings account. My wife and I are very simple people. We don't need or want very much in terms of materialistic things. And because of that, we can be frugal. We always prefer to refrain from buying meaningless materials and instead use those funds for vacation trips, road trips, sporting events, or simply having a nice night out for dinner.

I'm sure all of this changes once children enter the picture.

209. What motivates you to be your best?

Simply, to realize self-actualization.

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