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Knicks First Playoff Win In Eleven Years - Finalllly!!!

Here we go again. Another thrill in this roller coaster of a 2011-2012 New York Knickerbocker season. After three games of being outmatched on the court as well as having our spirit crushed by the Miami Heat, the Knicks overcame obstacles again to provide another peak - even if it maybe the last - for all of us fans.

Game four seemed like it had the usual scenario playing out as the previous three games - terrible officiating, a struggle for us to maintain, and lots (and lots) of LeBron James. The curse seemed in full effect as Tyson Chandler (who has become my favorite Knick) was in foul trouble and Baron Davis going down with a dislocated right patella. And for the record, as much of a shame as it is to see Davis go down for good after battling injuries all year, did he not seem at peace with a smile on his face as he was carried out. Perhaps he knew, this was the end? 

Nonetheless, nothing but respect and credit to Carmelo Anthony for his game today. Wait, didn't you call him overrated? Yes, he is, but it is games like this in which Melo proves the previous version of himself is indeed overrated.  He played today like a superstar, and more importantly, like a franchise player. If only we can always get this unselfish and motivated version all of the time. He was downright unstoppable. 

Yes, even this shot went down

And what was more telling was his ability to work with Amar'e Stoudemire. Both men finished as the two top scorers. Stoudemire, amidst all of the fire extinguisher jokes and questions about his New York legacy being in peril, basically manned up and delivered a gutsy performance. 

Team work, makes the dream work!

All in all, I'm excited. A Knicks playoff win!

Wow. I can now exhale.


This is why you don't become a  fraudbag. This is why you stay with your team through thick and thin. Yes, it is just one victory, but it has been eleven years coming. And as Wade hoisted that three-point jump shot as the buzzer sounded, my heart was racing. All I could think about were negative thoughts, and the usual - yup, so this is how the Knicks will lose. 

Except they didn't, and this amazing, emotional season has continued for this die-hard fan. 

Eleven years. Just to think, since April 29th, 2001 - the Knicks last playoff win: 

  • I started a blog called Dome Pondering.
  • I wrapped up playing high school baseball.
  • I passed my learner's permit exam, and attained a permit. 
  • I took and passed a New York State Road Test exam. 
  • I received my driver's license.
  • I went to prom. 
  • I graduated High School. 
  • American Idol debuted.
  • I went to college. 
  • The iPod was created, and I later purchased two. 
  • I played four years of college baseball.
  • I joined Facebook. 
  • I traveled all over the United States.
  • I fell in love. 
  • I bought my first car. 
  • I graduated from college. 
  • I joined twitter. 
  • I worked in finance, and was laid off. 
  • I witnessed the first black President. 
  • I survived an economic downturn. 
  • I went back to school. 
  • I graduated from Graduate school.
  • I bought another car.
  • I accepted a job in my field. 
  • I got engaged. 
  • Osama bin Laden was captured and killed. 
  • I found an apartment with my soon to-be-wife. 
  • I got married. 
  • I shaved my head, gained over 40lbs, and grew four inches.
  • And yes, I watched over 94 players don the orange and blue for my squad over some heartbreaking and frustrating years. 
So yes, it has been awhile. 

And I am very excited. Already, there are rumors of Jeremy Lin returning for game five to help aid a suffering Knicks back court. 

The roller coaster continues...

Either way, with a playoff win under out belt, there is a feeling of accomplishment, improvement, and even, getting that annoying monkey of our back. This is territory we haven't seen in so long.

The series may be 3-1, and we may still be one loss away from this season being over, but it feels so good to finally (finally!) be back in this position.

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