I actually have no idea where I m leaning in this Presidential race. To be quite honest, I really don't like any of the candidates. And let me be clear, that's not an, eh, I can't decide who will get my vote. It really is more like, jees, I have to give my vote to one of these people, whom should it be?!
For me, yes, it's that bad. While there are things I do in fact like about the remaining candidates from the major parties, their dislikes are what have been giving me problems. I find Donald Trump's stance on social issues during a very sensitive time in this country to be highly irresponsible. I find Ted Cruz insanely arrogant, and this native New Yorker hasn't forgiven him for his "New York values" comment. Hilary Clinton flip flops and plays up the "feminist" card way too much for me. Bernie Sanders is outright delusional on his economic policies and new-wave socialistic thinking. Again, for me, the thought that one of these folks will be President in January 2017 is alarming.
What I do know is that I watched a recently released interview by MTV with Tupac Shakur from 1992 and it just nails how I feel about life, about this country, and about humanity overall during this election season. Feel free to take a view and make your own judgement.