It's been several months since I've last punched the keys solely on this experience that is and has been a global pandemic - and truthfully, we now say pandemic as if we've become used to and seasoned experts to these scenarios. Ah, you know, we'll do that when we're not in a pandemic!
But since my last post in this thread (Corona Times II), our outlook as a nation and society has changed vastly on how we're approaching everything that is the Coronavirus. For starters, it's all become politicized. Opening protocols. Masks. Preventative measures. Schools. Work. Sports. Heck, just the mere validity of the virus' existence is still debated in some circles.
Nonetheless, we've gained a bit more knowledge on the virus and how to live with it, but it still remains a thorn in the side of our everyday existence - or in getting back to some sort of acceptable, normalized, standard.
What is not lost are those who have perished from this virus. The nearly 300,000 lives lost, and so many more still recovering from the loss of loved ones. And what has not changed is the lack of leadership our country has had during these crucial times. So imagine my outrage when we receive leaked recordings (from February) of the President of the United States - yes, that guy, with that responsibility - withholding the severity of the virus to all of us.
Let's remove all of the political ties to this scenario. To be honest, It doesn't matter what political party you identify with, what you believe in, or what your thoughts are on ideal America. The fact that the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, was aware of a severe threat to our country, to its people - his most salient responsibility in holding the office that he does - and did not warn the American people is absolutely gross. It's irresponsible. It's a cause for anger and for feelings of betrayal.
On top of that, for months he had the audacity to hold press conferences recommending bleach injecting solutions, parading pillow manufacturer CEOs before the American public, and continuing to push forward with campaign rallies is further evidence of his inability to lead. And most importantly, his inability to feel. Empathy.
Spare me the political rhetoric rebuttals. Economy, prison reform, the stock market, yada, yada, yada. Again, hone in on this one action - safety, truth, and empathy.
I find it very difficult to take the "...I don't want to create panic" argument/reasoning as a credible reason. I would buy it if our President wasn't encouraging protests (ironic, huh?) in his messages of "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" during the pandemic. Again, when he knew the facts all along.
I try - I really do - not to pile on the President the way our society has become natured in doing. However, this - THIS - to me is too much.
Not when a few friends and acquaintances have perished from this virus. Not when I watch so many within my industry get furloughed or laid off. Not when so many people are unable to attain a solid education. Not one home-evictions are through the roof, and homelessness is skyrocketing. Not when the nation is completely ripped apart in so many dividing ways.
He knew. And led us to believe he didn't.
He knew. And did nothing.
I always knew I disagreed with the President's policies - but my safety? My wellbeing? I always presumed that was assured, no matter who the President was.
I guess I was a fool. Maybe, a "loser" and a "sucker".
He knew.
He knew it all along.