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Would You Rather: Questions 131-140

131. Would you rather watch a movie at home or go to the movies?

Well, this is already an interesting question. I haven't been to the movies for nearly thirteen years. Yes, it's true. I'm sure I'll enjoy the movies experience one again one day, but for now, enjoying movies from the comfort of my couch, cheaper food, and being able to pause if needed - I'll take that. 

132. Would you rather fight alongside the Starks from Game of Thrones or the Avengers?

I know nothing about Game of Thrones. I like The Avengers, so I'm rolling with that squad. They also just feel cooler. 

133. Would you rather binge-watch an entire TV series show or binge-watch a movie series?

I truly believe movies deserve time to settle and digest after viewing them. I recently watched the entire Harry Potter series this Spring, and that was also the case - one-a-day. I'll binge the TV shows because they're shorter, and have more continuity in their creative intent than movie series. 

134. Would you rather marry Jim Halpert from The Office or Jack Dawson from Titanic?

I love The Office. Give me Jim Halpert. Have you seen the way he treats Pam? 

135. Would you rather be a member of the Plastics or a member of the Breakfast Club?

Both are great movies. But the Plastics were just outright mean. I couldn't live that life. Plus, the Breakfast Club is the kind of depth and deep dialogue I would enjoy in High School. 

136. Would you rather spend money on a streaming service or a movie ticket?

See above. Give me a streaming service. More options. 

137. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator for 3 hours with Jess from New Girl or Gloria from Modern Family?

I really never found Modern Family funny. It had a few moments, but it wasn't my thing. New Girl on the other hand is a regular in-the-background-watch favorite of mine. Love the crew from the loft. So yeah, give me Jess. 

138. Would you rather have Michael Scott from The Office or Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation as your new boss?

Ugh - one of the hardest questions, yet. I love both shows. However, Leslie Knope gets EVERYTHING done. Like, everything. Give me Knope. 

139. Would you rather attend Hogwarts or Bayside? 

I honestly want to say Hogwarts. Because, you know, I'm now down with Potter after this past Spring. However, Hogwarts is always under attack, and quite frankly, way too many events that question the safety of those who attend there occurs. 

Bayside, well, those kids did it all. I'm going there. 

140. Would you rather dance with Johnny Castle from Dirty Dancing or have Patrick Verona sing to you ala 10 Things I Hate About you? 

While they killed it in Dirty Dancing, something about the age difference creeped me out about Johnny Castle. I wasn't buying him and Baby at all. 

Patrick Verona singing while evading campus safety in front of a college-campus-like high school - that's dreamy. So dreamy. 

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