3 Up
1. MORE Act - The U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the MORE Act this week which could decriminalize marijuana on the federal level. Of course, the Act can have sweeping effects, including the way we perceive the thousands of individuals currently incarcerated for marijuana possession.
2. Stimulus Discussion - It's overdue. Long overdue. With the Coronovirus back in full force throughout the nation, help is definitely needed if we're asking individuals to comply with stay-at-home lockdowns. You can't have it both ways.
3. Lavar Ball - Say what you want about the guy - loud, boasting, arrogant, annoying, whatever. He has essentially gotten all three of his boys to the NBA. You can't argue with that.
3 Down
1. Coronavirus - The numbers are rising, and in many areas grim. Even worse, we haven't fully seen the backlash from the Thanksgiving holiday, nor what is to come with the gatherings of the upcoming Holidays. Please continue to stay safe out there.
2. Unnecessary Lockdowns - I don't understand the lockdowns not based on science. If the numbers are effectively telling you that it is okay to remain open, then we should be doing so. The California shutdown does indeed worry me. Especially when small businesses have no help.
3. Teacher Shortage/Exhaustion - One of the many underlying issues of COVID has been the toll it has taken on our nation's education. Coming to light is the fatigue teachers are seeing with virtual lessons, increased time lesson planning, stagnant pay, and of course, declining mental health. Many teachers have left the profession of teaching with an increase in areas across the country now reporting teacher shortages.
Just a shame. So many props to the teachers who are currently in the grind. We appreciate you.