Eight friends meet for their routine brunch when their city falls victim to a world-ending terrorist attack and all grievances and truth between the group come out with unexpected results.
Who is in it?
Julia Stiles - Tracy
David Cross - Glen
America Ferrera - Hedy
Favorite Scene:
When two of their friends, who are notoriously late to the brunches, Tracy makes the call to not let them enter by not opening the door. The moment is awkward, with humor, and causes the group to not sympathize with their friends who are set to die, because, they were always late.
Favorite Quote:
Yeah. So what you're saying is that when we die we're going to a place where 106 billion people are sitting around playing the harp. That would be really fucking annoying.
I came across this film needing something to watch during a workout. It's a Disaster felt like a film that was easy enough to sort of watch with little expectations based on the plot and the limited notoriety of the film with a quick Google search.
What ended up happening was the viewing of an indie film that takes a turn for laughter after it is announced that the world will be ending. It's a Disaster is sheer comedic genius with characters moving from Saturday brunch, into the real person behind the "fake brunch" persona, eventually into absolute craziness.
The film is carried by David Cross and Julia Stiles, but it is the work of America Ferrera who really comes through in this film. Overall the characters and acting are as raw as it gets, but that's a good thing! Again, this film is sheer comedy amidst the limited setting inside of a home.
It's not a big-budget film, and it won't move you emotionally, but it will very much have you entertaining and laughing due to the wackiness and dry comedy through its 90-minute run-time.
Grade: 3.5/5