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Sunday Sundown Rundown - 3/31/24

3 Up

1. Bridge Workers - In all of the wreckage and tragedy that occurred and has been discussed in regards to the Baltimore Bridge Collapse, there are bridge workers who raced to stop cars from crossing the bridge upon hearing the ship's "Mayday" alerts. Those are some real unsung heroes who likely saved many lives. 

2. Social Media Changes in UK - Social media reveals itself more and more as a plague on society. Well, recent sanctions (and changes) by social media companies in the United Kingdom are making social media more responsible for children. I'm curious to see the data of results in human changes following these initiatives. 

3. Easter - He. Is. Risen! 

3 Down

1. Baltimore Bridge Collapse - Such an awful story. Each day reveals how precious our lives are, and just how random it can be. This recent story carries so much from safety, appreciation of life, and the long lengths many go to in the international trading industry. 

2. South African Bus Crash - An amazingly sad story. A bus crash in South Africa, which originally had a destination for Easter, resulted in 80 individuals perishing when their bus exploded after crashing. One little girl is the sole survivor. Please keep this girl in your prayers. 

3. Trump Bible? - Ah mean, this dude hawks anything and everything. And those unconditionally devoted to him eat it all up. But really, we;re branding Bibles, now? Seriously? What are we doing? SMH. 

3 Interesting 

1. Sean Combs - Didy's house getting raided by the Federal government has opened up so many doors for discussion and of course, innuendo. 

2. Shohei Ohtani - I'm just not buying this story of the gambling addict translator. There HAS to be more to this, right? 

3. Big 3 Offer to Caitlin Clark - Look, this definitely sparked some controversy. However, as a fan of the Big 3, I've long thought the league should be capitalizing on big names, the way it did in its first season. The Clark offer is surely an interesting one. Especially considering the current pay in the NBA. 

She can do both, right? 

3a. WNBA - Also, as much s I love the WNBA, Clark (and others) are going to force the league to quickly evolve, or at the very least, seriously examine it's pay model.

Cover Photo 

Beyonce's Cowboy Carter Album Cover

Courtesy of Parkwood Entertainment 

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