1. Nigeria Children Released - The kids are home. I can't imagine the horrible feeling that so many parents in Nigeria felt this week when over 300 children were kidnapped from school by Boko Haram. Can we finally stop these abductions? Also, it's a shame these stories aren't covered enough in the States.
2. Genetically Engineered Kidneys - Well, we are not placing artificial pig kidneys in humans to save lives. Even better? The practice can likely end dialysis as we know it. Pig kidneys! Such great (and weird) news!
3. Avoid Government Shutdown - Biden passed a bill that will keep the government running for a few more weeks. I guess, that's a good thing?! Why is the government always close to shutting down?!
3 Down
1. Moscow Terrorist Attack - An unfortunate event as terrorist attacks by ISIS still exist. So many innocent people died over geopolitical posture and global political movements. Yeah, it doesn't seem fair to me either. But that's life...I guess?
2. Haiti - The country in the Carribean continues to be under chaos. Reports express that thousands of foreigners are trapped on the island run by gangs, including hundreds of Americans.
The world seems rather depressing this week...which brings me to...
3. World Happiness Report - The U.S. has dropped in rankings in whatever, and however, this is conducted. But truthfully, I can see it. The world is a complicated place these days, and the U.S. brings that kind of feeling to every person's doorstep,
Cover Photo
A group of people raise their arms toward the sun above a pyramid, during celebrations of the spring equinox on March 21, 2024, in the city of Teotihuacan, Mexico. #
Hector Vivas / Getty