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The True Force of Power, Sex, And Lust

phillips0723 So what’s the deal? Really, what is with all of the affairs and the cheating that seems to be consuming our society today? Now I am not naive, I understand a portion of the core of our culture revolves around a sexual nature. After all, sex sells right? And I understand that such behavior has been occurring since biblical times, yet, it amazes each and every time it does.

Earlier this year, we were on edge when news broke regarding Coach Rick Pitino and his affair at Louisville University. Yours truly touch based briefly on that issue. (Louisville Decision More of The Same Stuff). Pitino’s personal life is non of our business, however, like I did then, the issue should still be today if parents would want a man with that past essentially guiding their son through some of the most important years of his life?

However, let’s let that be, because now we have two other high-profile men in David Letterman and Steve Phillips, who either have admitted, or have been caught for adultery.

Now, I’m no stone thrower, and I’m not perfect. We all have made mistakes. We all have sinned. And we all have fallen short of the glory of God. With that being said, I’m not casting judgment on Letterman and Phillips for their actions (and now misfortunes).

Both men have had great damage done to their families, and in Phillips’ case, now has to deal with a pending divorce. The issue that I have a tough time wrapping my head around is indeed the family issue. Both admitted to prior wrong doings and affairs, and seemingly have been forgiven for them. However, the latest flings with much younger women, were the last straw, and has destroyed their reputations, their images, and most importantly, their family. Yet, the sad part is, there are thousands of cases with everyday-normal men who are doing the same deed without public knowledge and scrutiny.

The lyrics from Nickelback’s song entitled most fittingly, “S.E.X.” rings true.

Yes, sex is always the answer, it's never a question
'Cause the answer's yes, oh the answer's yes
Not just a suggestion, if you ask a question
Then it's always yes, yeah

We have witnessed issues in the past where images, reputations, and families have been rebuilt in the case of Kobe Bryant (of that we know of). Hopefully, we can see more like that.

I wish and truly pray for them in their recovery. Our society is already lacking quality fathers in households everywhere, and it seems we are losing quality men and leaders as well.

In the end, it is amazing to witness and understand the true force of power, sex and lust.

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