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He Got Me Again: Beck Out of Bounds with Comments on 99ers

Glenn Beck is at it again. And well, he got me again.

It’s amazing how Beck manages to rile up the masses and conjure up notoriety and press coverage about himself through his wacky statements and outlandish beliefs. And while I often keep an ear open to hear the latest out of his mouth, I very rarely comment, discuss, or even post about it here on the DP. The reason? It justifies the very core of what he is attempting to do – seek attention.

However, as he did before on a topic that I felt strongly about (Say What? Beck’s Comments on Race, Correct), Beck has once again baited me to give in to not only acknowledge his statement and views, but respond as well.

Recently, Beck commented on the “99ers” rally on Wall Street, who if you aren’t aware, are unemployed Americans who have exhausted their 99 weeks of unemployment benefits due to the poor economy. The 99ers have been picketing in New York City blaming the current state of the economy on Wall St.

The following link is a video of Beck’s rant which included him stating that, “99ers should be ashamed to call themselves Americans”.

Glenn Beck Rants on 99ers and Unemployed

Once again, (and I cannot believe this is twice in one year) Beck is right – somewhat. He is correct in stating that “a job is not a right”. He is also undoubtedly correct that there are quite a few people who are relying heavily on the system’s benefits by not searching for work or sacrificing to make ends meet. Some people just don’t value the American dream. It happens. I’m sure you and I could name 1 or 2 persons that fit that bill. However, the overall nature of the situation is that the current times aren’t normal. And that is where Mr. Beck goes awry.

There is nothing normal about an unemployment rate that is well over 10% and growing with no end or recovery in sight. There is nothing normal about endless searches, rising costs of living, and decreasing salaries from coast-to-coast. And there is absolutely nothing normal about unemployment statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau that expresses that over 1.4 million have been out of work for over 99 weeks.

I have never been shy about sharing my time of unemployment with DP readers. For the mere 51 weeks or so that I was laid off and unemployed was one of the most eye opening, deflating, and crushing times in my life. However, it also served as the most inspiring, motivating, and meaningful experiences as well. During that time I managed to understand the adversities in life, and the real understanding of hard work, sacrifice, and well…life. I understand what Beck is stating by accepting jobs that you don’t necessarily like. I’ve been there. However, I also understand the feeling of sending out upwards of 40-50 resumes per week to no avail. Not to mention the crushing tease of accepting a job to have the position eliminated due to budget cuts – three times. Yes, three.

Once again, these times are not normal. It’s not an excuse, it’s fact.

And while, luckily, I have been blessed by the good Lord with a job that I absolutely love, I still feel for my close friends who have yet to have their own share of employment happiness.

So unlike Beck, I understand the 99ers frustration. I understand their issues with Wall Street. It is a feeling that you have to go through, to thoroughly understand.

So when Beck, a man who probably is completely out of bounds on giving advice on financial hardships, declares statements on an experience that he really is looking into from the outside, one becomes riled up with thoughts of defense and immediate rebuttal.

And while he got me again, this is another topic that I needed to take notice of. Most importantly, one important and personal enough to take a stand on.

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