57 days to go.
Well this road to 9.24 continues to head down hill as many tasks and dates are now beginning to not only come faster, but occur faster. This past week the tag-team partner and I pulled many late nights similar to our college days scanning documents and locating others in order to apply and become approved for an apartment we really liked. After several days of tense searching and waiting on phone calls and e-mails, we received the e-mail from our broker - "You've been approved".
And while it is not technically a house purchase, the new apartment will signify our first space together - our first home. As excited as we were, we realized that because of our already hectic schedule in the month of August, moving would have to be a priority - meaning as soon as possible. As we threw everything in boxes, bags, bins, folders, and some just flat out left as is, we began the craziest, most rushed, and definitely, the most unorganized moves of all-time. Two days to prepare, pack, and move.
And after a six hour moving session that included countless trips up and down our new building's elevator, and two courses of a filled 10' U-Haul, the move was complete, well sort of. While some things remained at my parents, most of our possessions were finally in our new home.
In six days, we were approved and moved.
As my tag team partner, myself, and two of our dearest friends sat around our new living room at 2am eating late-night drive-thru Burger King among the midst of cluttered boxes awaiting their new location, I could not help taking a moment and enjoying the road and journey to this point.
Although we spent four years at my parents house, I would have never traded any of those years for anything. Nor would I change anything if I could do it all again. In those four years, my tag partner and I learned many valuable lessons on togetherness not just from my parents, but hers as well, and many friends and family. We saved, paid off debts, and now come into this situation financially, mentally, and most importantly, spiritually prepared for this next step.
The next couple of weeks will begin to close a chapter in our lives before the new one begins. However, it is weeks like these - productive, effective, and damn it, cooperative weeks like this past one - that I will never forget.
When things get fast, difficult, and pressurized, I have the best tag team partner in the world in my corner.