3 Up
1. Muhammad Ali Legacy - While this easily could have gone in the "down" section, there is a part of me that felt like Ali's legacy was provided an awareness to many who weren't aware of his impact beyond the ring. I touched a bit on what Ali meant to me (How I Will Remember Ali), and the time allowed us all to reflect on the loss of a true cultural icon.
2. Roots - I began watching the remake of Roots and am half way through - it's absolutely phenomenal. It's a story that needs to be told, of not only the truths of how this country came about, but the injustices which still have lasting impact today.
3. Mookie Betts - It pains me to say this, but the streak that Mookie Betts went on this week was just, absolutely insane. Betts had three homeruns in a game, and followed that game up with another multi-home run game for an impressive stretch of five home runs in seven games.
3 Down
1. UCLA Murder Suicide - Why has mass shootings and murder suicides become so common in our culture? Really, as a nation, we need to examine this and curtail it. Big time.
2. Former Stanford Swimmer - Brock Allen Turner received six months - SIX! - for being convicted of raping an unconscious student on campus. Six months! Just another example of how the rules and laws are different for the white and privileged in this country.
3. Trump Comments - "Look at my African-American over here". I'm not even going to comment on this. How does he get away with this? How do supporters defend these comments?