3 Up
1. Father's Day - A big shout out and major props to all of the men out there doing their part raising their kids, and helping to shape the future of our world. Especially, these days, when such credible men are disappearing
2. Gun Control Discussion - It's a bit refreshing to see that the discussion on gun control isn't just hot air, but something that many are taking seriously. The U.S. Supreme Court may take action, and of course, even Bill O'Reilly shocked us all with a viewpoint that was well...un-O'Reilly-like.
3. LeBron James - He. Got. It. Done! Kudos to James for bringing a title to Cleveland under all of the scrutiny he's been under since a teenager. Really, really, really happy for that dude.
3 Down
1. Westboro Baptist Church - The fact that these folks, in some people's eyes, rperesent Christians and their values really bothers me. But it is what it is. Regardless, seeing these people go down to Orlando to protest is disgusting. The absolute worst.
2. Splash Mountain Alligator - It was tremendously sad to hear about the child who was found dead in Florida after being taken by an Alligator. Occurrences like that are just mind boggling, especially when the gator just rolled up on a beach were patrons are. So scary.
3. Stephen A. Smith - Claiming Ayesha Curry needs to "know her place" is utterly ridiculous. On top of that, claiming he would have never lost the OJ Simpson trial - head scratching. But hey, we all give in and give him attention.