3 Up
1. Madison Bumgarner - Atop the list this week is MadBum who solidified his legacy as the greatest post-season pitcher, ever. Seriously, EVER! His Wild Card game against the Mets was downright ridiculous. Quite frankly, the guy is probably the best big game pitcher I've ever seen in my lifetime.
2. Baseball Playoffs - You all know I love October. And with the games that have occured, how can anyone deny this sport has the best postseason. Also, kudos to the country of Canada and Blue Jays fans. The Rogers Centre must be a horror for visiting teams. So much energy.
3. 5 Year Old Not Happy with the UK - Kid's say the darnedest things. And this video is part of that...and some truth involved. Worth the watch for sure.
3 Down
1. Hurricane Matthew on Haiti - Heartbreaking. Absolutely, heartbreaking. The country of Haiti has endured so much. The country needs help, and needs it fast.
2. Second Presidential Debate - Disaster. Embarrassing. Ridiculous. I'll leave it at that. I'll have more in my review of the second Presidential debate soon.
3. Trump Tapes - See the above with number two. Also, those bringing Mrs. Clinton's decision to stay with her husband after he had an affair as a defense for Trump's statements, are obviously missing the point and are blinded by party loyalty. Just my opinion. Really, this whole race sucks. I want it to be over, but I'm afraid that brings us closer to one of them being our President.