Umm, I have note yet read any of the Harry Potter books or see any of the movies. I know, I know. Though, I've gotten the gist of the film by being around it, and of course, seeing many playing the game of quidditch. With that said - yeaaaaaaaah - give me a life of fame and wealth. Keep your sorcery.
22. Would you rather date a celebrity of your choice or the hottest person you know?
The hottest person I know. I know them for their physical attractiveness, as well, as for who they are. Win, win. Plus, celebs are nuts. I don't need that type of drama in my life.
23. Would you rather fly or be able to read minds?
Fly. Reading minds is way to intrusive for me. It removes too much of the mystery that makes life interesting.
24. Would you rather get a dream vacation or spend five days with anyone you want but remain in your hometown?
Ummmm, yeah. Just give me the the dream vacation.
25. Would you rather have more time per day or more money per day?
Money is always great, but I am one of those people that never finds enough time in the day to do everything I want. It's probably the reason I stay up so late, and sacrifice sleep. Maybe thirty hours for the day? I would add those hours to my sleep schedule.
26. Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?
Win the lottery. Once in a lifetime, right?
27. Would you rather be a lawyer or a doctor?
This is interesting. I've been told since college that I have the skills to be a lawyer. However, I like the idea of helping people as most lawyers in my opinion, are annoying. For the sake of the question, and because I'm utterly torn on this, I am going with lawyer. I'll be one of those good-guy lawyers. You know, fight for those who don't have a voice...and all that.
28. Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button?
Pause button. Mistakes are part of life. In some ways, they make life beautiful.
29. Would you rather being able to communicate with animals or be able to speak all foreign languages?
Talking to Pandas, my favorite animals, would be utterly fantastic. Regardless, being able to speak all foreign languages provides you with a certain connection and access to other humans. I like the idea of the latter much more.
30. Would you rather mentally never age or physically never age - at your current age?
Ooooh, so easy. Keep me physically at thirty-one. I'm good with that. But NEVER would I want to remain stagnant mentally. That's not living in my eyes.