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Latest Impact Thoughts | Slammiversary XV Predictions

Sometimes things are just meant to be, and often times, some people ought to be in specific places. I truly believe that. This is the case when it comes to Jeff Jarrett and Impact Wrestling (formerly, of course, TNA Wrestling). The two simply belong together, and the two work the best when they are hand in hand. 

This has been very evident (at least from this wrestling fan) since Anthem has taken over ownership, and the entire regime has changed over. This company feels, operates, and has a certain energy and vision around and behind it that hasn't been there since the old days of TNA Wrestling, which many enjoyed and believed in. 

I'm not ready to proclaim that it is at that same level, but THAT feeling is back. The company feel organized, has a vision and game plan, and outright, and quite frankly, it feels like the company gives a damn about it's fans again.

Hence, this Sunday's Slammiversery pay-per-view. For the first time in forever (cue the song from Frozen), this company has an old fashioned, hyped, promoted, and (most importantly) anticipated, pay-per-view. Like a legit pay-per-view! After I spent money on the snoozer that was Bound For Glory under the old regime (and really, causing my complete turnoff in support of Dixie Carter and Co. for good), I am eager for this show. Like, for real, for real - genuinely eager to see Slammiversary XV. 


Before diving into the show this weekend, the company deserves some credit on finally taking the plunge on the Indian tour. All four shows were fantastic, and ultimately, the crowd really, really, really added to the last couple of episodes of Impact. Orlando, take notes! 

With that, it also opened a window on the fan hood for wrestling that is indeed alive in the country. People care and legitimately enjoy the art form and entertainment of pro wrestling. The most refreshing part of the audience and fans were a genuine sense of just enjoying the show, rather than attempting to be the show, or including "smart" elements into the atmosphere, characteristics that often come with American audiences today. 

Those fans were loud, they were passionate, and they enjoyed themselves. That's what pro wrestling should be about. I'm sure there is a UK tour in the works once again, but can we do India again, please?! Those fans deserve another set of tapings. I'm sure Shera, agrees. 


So it's 2017, and pay-per-view still seems to be kicking out of two counts. Just when we're ready to declare the platform dead and obsolete (not sure if they faded away and classified themselves, though), pro wrestling is doing it again, while boxing is holding on (good luck to those paying for McGregor/Mayweather) and the UFC is trying to make it work after their ownership change over. 

Though, there are different aspects and facets of pay-per-view (i.e. internet purchases, etc...) this one should be a telling one for the company. Is this still a viable outlet? 

But I wonder, we keep hearing about the company's "bad pay-per-view" deal from the Dixie Carter era, how long is this deal? With One Night Only events still a thing, and the company now down to presumably only two legit events a year, what are the contractual requirements? 

Nevertheless, this company is coming out swinging with guests, special attractions, and what I can imagine is a couple of surprises or two. It feels like a big show. And I've stated for years, for a company that has survived in the face of some dark times, it's anniversary show feels a lot more important than the event they try to tell us is the biggest show of the year. Especially when that said show hasn't felt that way for a long, long, long time. What I'm saying is, Slammiversary over Bound For Glory. 

I also expect aesthetic changes for the show, and hey, why not? Some special entrances too! I really miss the pageantry, presentation, and characters in pro wrestling. 


In having some fun with the anticipation for Slammiversary this weekend, I thought I would share a few words on the matches, and even pick some winners. 

LAX vs. Drago and El Hijo del Fantasma vs. Naomichi Marufiki and Tajiri Ishimori vs. Laredo Kid and Garza Jr.

Call me crazy, I like the idea of not ALL the titles being unification bouts. It feels less-formulaic, if you will, that at least one champion unified the titles beforehand. With that said, I expect this to open the show and set the tone with some energy. Lots of potential here to be an absolute car crash of a match. And that sounds fantastic. 

Prediction: LAX retains

Sonjay Dutt vs. Low Ki

I'm biased, because I still believe in the X-Division, and I really, really, really, really, REALLY like the direction it has gone over the past few weeks. The belt feels important, and there is a rivalry of some sort around the title besides just random three guys to kick off the show. Also, Low Ki is one of my absolute favorites. The dude is fantastic. I'm very much looking forward to these two giving us two out of three falls. And it will be three falls, right? Ahhhhhh mean, when are these matches EVER two falls? 

Prediction: Sonjay Dutt retains

Eddie Edwards and Alisha Edwards vs. Davey Richards and Angelina Love

I feel this is a sleeper match on the card that will get overlooked, and will have us talking by the end of the night. The dynamics of this match - including airing on pay-per-view - shall be VERY interesting. I think Davey needs the win here, as moving up the card with the Natural Born Killers duo should add some much needed shakeup to things post-Slammiversary. 

Prediction: Davey and Angelina Love

DeAngelo Williams and Moose vs. Chris Adonis and Eli Drake

Is it safe to say ALL Impact wrestling fans like Eli Drake? Is he NOT the blue chipper prospect in the farm system, or the talented sharpshooter on the end of the bench we want to see in order to finally determine if that potential is legit, or just mere hype? I'm a bit disappointed having Drake team with Adonis (who is sort of eh, to me), but everyone needs to be in a place on this card. 

The Williams add is a nice touch, and should give the company some publicity. I see Williams getting the pin on Drake to add a chip to the shoulder of Drake's character, as well as driving the internet crazy. 

Prediction Williams and Moose 

Rosemary vs. Sienna

Man, Christina Von Eerie held the GFW Women's championship for 546 days, and can't even get in on the biggest GFW Women's match in history. I'm kidding with that statement - sort of. This was the right match for this unification bout. Really, this match has been about Sienna and the ability she has been able to show once Maria Kanellis-Bennett has been out of the picture.

Sienna has become a big player, and for some reason, I see her grabbing the title to prolong her feud with Karen Jarrett. Though, as I've stated before, not a fan of anything Karen Jarrett has been a part of since she's returned. She's talented, just hasn't clicked in this new role. 

Oh by the way, more Laurel Van Ness! She's incredible in that character. 

Prediction: Sienna wins Impact Women's (?) Championship

EC3 vs. James Storm 

EC3 has been absolute awesome since turning heel once again. Especially since it all just feels organic, you know, with his "Aunt" being ousted from power. Speaking of, how crazy would a Dixie return to help EC3 win, be? Too soon? Yeah, I think so. Forgive me. 

I expect this one to be physical, and hard hitting. Strap matches though have had variations in the past. Is it a pinfall or the old-school tag the corners in succession? Whatever. The reinvigorated Cowboy rolls on. 

Prediction: James Storm 

Jeremy Borash and Joseph Park vs. Josh Mathews and Scott Steiner

Mathews has been epic since taking this massive veer off the road of being a vanilla play-by-play announcer into this colorful, vibrant jerk that is so highly entertaining. I really have enjoyed his work, and it's so old school, as you want to see him get his face smashed at some point. 

Obviously, this won't be a wrestling clinic, but I expect some shenanigans with Abyss (Obvi, right?) and ultimately Borash getting the pin on Mathews. Down goes, The GOAT! 

Prediction: Borash and Joseph Park

Lashley vs. Alberto El Patron

The highlight packages and videos hyping the match have been utterly fantastic. Especially the ones from this past weeks which were more personal. Just great stuff. I find the two men being in "their corners" adding to the big fight feel, but am a little wary of shenanigans. We know Jarrett loves his overbooked title match finishes. Which are fun sometimes - give him some credit. I'm hoping for a clean finish here. Something more decisive. Something more legit. Winner over loser. 

Call me crazy, but anyone else believe Kongo Kong being pinned by El Patron last night on Impact comes back into play here? 

Also, I find Lashley to be the most believable wrestler/character in pro wrestling right now. Yes, over Brock Lesnar. Sue me. 

Prediction: Lashley wins Unified Impact Championship

And finally, 

I'll go with the next inductee into the Impact Hall of Fame to be...


Jarrett understands his role in the history of the company, and it is well deserved. I just fear that some times these Hall of Fame decisions are based on name celebrity, rather than overall contribution. 

Enjoy the weekend, and of course, the 15th Anniversary (man, I am getting old) of Impact Wrestling. 

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