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Sunday Sundown Rundown - 9/16/18

3 Up

1. 5 Year Old on "Making New Friends" - I often don't get caught up in internet sensations, but this one was legit in making my day. Good for a laugh, and also, the kid is speaking some truth on making new friends. Can't be eating crayons...

2. Statue Removal - You know it's amazing how simple some things are in our country. Many are complex, but things such as racist or insensitive statues from time periods that shouldn't be honored are one of them - just take them down. Kudos to the city of San Francisco in getting it right this week.

3. Boy Consoled By Stranger - We need more stories like this in our mainstream indulgence. Give it a read - I'm pretty sure this story will warm your soul.

3 Down

1. Hurricane Florence - The sights and pictures of the aftermath and it's damage are now beginning to spread. Prayers go up for those on the Mid-Atlantic coast, and the many more returning to life after Florence in the coming days.

2. Trump Denies Maria Death Toll - Yo, I try not to complain about the President often. Honestly, even the petty stuff he doesn't bother me. It's the things like denying the deaths of so much from Hurricane Maria. Because it's insulting to the families and the stories that say otherwise, and also, gives those families a respectful closure. But at this point. those who are in his camp, are there blindly. Whatevs.

3. Boston Gas Explosions - The unknown of something like a gas explosion in your neighborhood is just that - insanely frightening. Such a worrisome, and random, thing that fortunately wasn't as bad as it could have been.

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Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/11/24

3 Up 1. Olympics - It was a memorable Olympics for various reasons. Quite honestly, it was one of the best Olympic Games in my lifetime. I sort of miss having so many options to watch sports - a variety of them - on the daily.  1a. Peacock App - It's still an app with a frustrating user interface, but having the option to watch sports on-demand was awesome. My appreciation to ALL involved in making that happen.  2. Tim Walz - In the "up" is the announcement of Walz as the VP pick for Kamala Harris. Walz gets the nod here not because of an endorsement, but because I thought he did a great job entering the race this week. And also, it's good to finally get both tickets set as we steamroll to Election Day.  3. Presidential Debate - Well, we've got the second one locked in for September 10th. Just when you thought there was no point in tuning into debates (especially after the last one), Trump vs. Kamala has the makings of a one-time knock-down drag out).  3 Down 1. F

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