3 Up
1. New York Times Cover - Even though front pages aren't "front pages" anymore (who reads traditional newspapers?), the overall presentation of the New York Times piece of all 100,000+ names of those who passed away from COVID-19 this year is powerful - and in many ways needed. In the midst of politics, science, constant news and numbers, the depth and feel of what has truly happened have gone unrecognized. 100,000+ people are dead. Many more are hurt by those deaths. This is not normal, in any way.
2. Class of 2020 - I really feel for the class of 2020, which has had their celebrations and "next step" left in a cloud of smoke. Yet, something tells me this class will be very special for not only their experience but also, how they will utilize it going forward.
3. Charlamage Tha God - His interview stirred up some controversy, but it was an interview that needed to be had. Too often the "black agenda" is not discussed within the national spectrum, or usually asked and discussed from a white lens. He stuck firm on some important issues, and I would love to see some of the same questions directed at our current President as well when it comes time for debates.
3 Down
1. Latin America COVID-19 - It is tough to watch what is now happening in South America, particularly Brazil, and the alarming rise in Coronavirus cases and deaths occurring. They have been projected as nearing their climax in the coming weeks.
2. "You Ain't Black" - Talk about a cluster...you-know-what. It's a common phrase in the black community, however, there is a time and place for everything. Shame on Former Vice President Joe Biden for using it in that context. And really, in a way, yes, taking the black community for granted. But - and it's a big BUT - it's immensely hilarious how suddenly both parties are experts on speaking up for black people and on how they should be disrespected.
3. Lori Laughlin - She received two months in prison (and possibly less time due to COVID), a $150,000 fine (LESS than she paid to get her daughters into USC), and 100 hours of community service. I can't say I'm not surprised, but at the same time, I'm absolutely outraged.
1 We Have to Do Better
1. Hana Kimura - The 22-year-old professional wrestler passed away this week. After an appearance on a reality show, the ridicule and bullying online lead to this. Twitter and all of social media are great, unfortunately, it can be VERY, very nasty. We all have to do better, for ourselves, and each other.