1. India's Tap Water Access - This is a rather remarkable story. It's a story that offers humility wrapped in the extraordinary. India's Jal Jeevan Mission provided almost 79 million - 79 MILLION! - households with tap water. Just tap water!
2. Jordan Make-A-Wish Record - MJ is often loved through nostalgia, narrative, and remembrance for being politically neutral - even in giving. MJ these days has made some influential contributions, including this latest $10M donation to the Make-A-Wish foundation.
3. WWE Elimination Chamber - A tremendously entertaining pay-per-view on the road to Wrestlemania. The best storyline in pro wrestling continues to evolve between Sami Zayn and the Bloodline.
3A. City of Montreal - Give it up to the city of Montreal for what made a few nights of pro wrestling an awesome experience. Can we get this city more events?
3 Down
1. Michigan State Shooting - We're broken. Very broken. My thoughts and prayers are with those friends and families affected by this latest round of nonsense.
2. CDC Study on Girls - Utterly shocking and scary. 57% of girls reported that had feelings of sadness or hopelessness (!!!). The recent studies surrounding our young individuals is one that is alarming within a culture and societal climate that doesn't seem to be providing solutions.
3. NBA All-Star Weekend - The worst All-Star weekend that I can remember. Also, the All-Star Game is broken. Seriously broken.
Cover Photo
People attend a candlelight vigil, for the victims of a shooting at Michigan State University, on Feb. 16. Classes are scheduled to resume days later.
Alex Wong/Getty Images