The story of the Super Mario Bros is told, as a plumber from Brooklyn named Mario, and his brother, Luigi, travel through an underground world to save a captured princess.
Who is in it?
Chris Pratt - Mario
Charlie Day - Luigi
Anya Taylor-Joy - Princess Peach
Jack Black - Bowser
Favorite Scene:
[spoiler alert]
A high-speed chase breaks out that mirrors what we've come to love and appreciate in Mario Kart
Favorite Quote:
"In an insane world, it is the sane who are called crazy."
The Super Mario Bros. Movie was fun. For a nearing-forty millennial like myself who appreciated the nostalgic feel of the songs and the little tidbits from Nintendo's greatest creation, this was a great film to take in with my son. Everyone wins.
Despite the nostalgia and the personal feel-goodness that it offers, the film really is a great visual. From the story, the effects, and the overall presentation, right down to the basic story of Super Mario Bros, this film was a treat to watch. Again, I cannot state how well the film jumps off of the screen.
So many great voices narrate our favorite Nintendo characters, which adds to the overall credibility of the film.
This one is an easy win for anyone who watches. Especially those who have some history with playing video games - now, then, or at some time in life.
I'm hoping for a second - it's only right.
Grade: 4/5