What's it about?
Bolt, a dog who believes he has super powers due to his role on a television show faces reality after being displaced. He struggles with adjusting to life without these powers and learning to live life as a normal dog. The adventure opens his eyes to a world beyond the trailer where he was kept, as he gained new friends, and learned to depend and trust others.
Who is in it?
John Travolta - Bolt
Miley Cyrus - Penny
Susie Essman - Mittens
Mark Walton - Rhino
Favorite Scene
After being displaced in the middle of nowhere, Bolt's stomach begins to grumble and ache. He blames Mittens, who he believes is "evil", of placing an antidote (a Styrofoam peanut used for packaging) in him to weaken his powers. Mittens, who at the time was held captive by Bolt, begins using a Styrofoam peanut as a weapon to threaten Bolt.
Favorite Quote
Bolt: "Okay. So what we do here is we give the target a quick flyover, we adjust the trahectory, and then land dead center. Am I missing anything, Rhino?"
Rhino: "Just the knowldge that every minute spent in your company becomes the new greatest minute of my life!"
Bolt is another animated Disney movie that most have campy and childish expectations heading into it. However, in the end, it leaves you entertained and overwhelmingly surprised. Bolt offers a compelling storyline, great characters, and lots of humor in a film that does not have any down time. A great beginning captures the viewers interest and creates a swerve that serves as the foundation for the rest of the movie. Overall, Bolt is a great watch, and on par with most of Disney's animation greats.
Grade: 4/5