He had to know!
He just had to know.
Despite facts and events surrounding the horrific crash that occurred on the Taconic Parkway in July killing eight, including four children, there is a lingering feeling with many surrounding the status of the driver, Diane Schuler.
After the revealing information of Schuler's alcohol level being .19% (two and a had times above the legal limit) and marijuana being found in her system, many questions, and head shaking thoughts arose.
Schuler, who during her drive, phoned her brother and alerted him of "being sick and not able to continue driving", continued driving under the self admitted impairment. As per the details, Schuler drove in the wrong direction heading south in the north-bound lanes colliding head-on with another vehicle. Killing all but one child, instantly.
After receiving the phone call, the brother of Schuler, who was the father of one of the children in the crash, called authorities to alert them of Schuler being sick and not feeling well. Despite search efforts, the police were unable to locate the vehicle before the horrific crash.
Now, we understand the cause of the accident. The family of the three men who happened to be in the wrong place and the wrong time are now filing a lawsuit against the Schulers. Many are going as far as calling the situation a murder, and not an accident. All in all, a very tragic dilemma which has taken the lives of four young children, and three innocent men, while affecting many families, and leaving one surviving little boy with the inevitable pain of struggling with the same thoughts of why his mother made the decision she made.
And after it all...my gut feeling (and of others) is that the brother knew of danger when he received that phone call.
There is more to this, and the brother knows...he has to know.