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Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – What’s The Purpose?

This will be one of the more controversial topics that I have covered in a very long time. It’s sure to be one that I’m sure that will cause rampant emotions, as well as add to the already growing debate in our society today. It is one that yours truly has many unanswered questions to, and would hope maybe this article, and your feedback would help provide some answers, results and responses to. The topic at hand is the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in our United States military.

As many of you know, the issue has been raised to the forefront by the gay community, which has been spearheaded by Lady Gaga. The issue is calling for gays to serve openly in the military. Recently, the House of Representatives has passed a bill that would repeal the acts and sanctions of the policy. However, as with everything regarding anything controversial, the repeal of the policy has been hung up in the Senate.

The way I have broken down this issue is freedom of well-being versus the compromise of military operations.

As I have always been here at the DP, honest, I will admit that I have never quite understood the fight to repeal this institute. I’ll actually go one further and say that I am not a supporter of same-sex marriages. However, nor am I a gay-basher, or some complete nut case that calls for persecution of the entire gay community.

I would hope those of you reading this post right now would keep an open mind instead of  completely writing me off. It is such sheer ignorance that keeps us as divided on this issue.

Nonetheless, I am always open to debate, listening, and understanding. And when it comes to the gay community seeking to repeal this institute, again, I don’t understand.

What’s the purpose?

That is my first initial thought. The thought and sticking point when it comes to this issue. What exactly is the purpose of wanting to serve openly in the military? What exactly would serving openly do for a gay or lesbian member of the military? Heck, What exactly does serving openly entail?

From my research and chatting with those who have served, this is the consensus that I received, it wouldn’t make a difference. One former Marine I discussed this with stated, “Even though we aren’t supposed to reveal our sexuality – gay or straight – we all knew who they were. Everyone knew. “The don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was there to keep things in order, as is the way of the Marines. They don’t want to hear about your preferences, whether it be cars, food, sports, women, men, or sexuality. You are a Marine, period. Not a straight Marine. Not a gay Marine. A Marine.”

Research has also stated that over 40% of the Marine Corps are concerned about ending the policy.

Why eliminate such order?

While I do understand that the policy was originally instituted to prohibit gays from participating, I do believe that gays should be allowed to serve this country. However, why is sexual preference even an issue? Freedom to display sexual orientation and preference should not be a deciding factor in combat affairs, thus the actual reason for the policy. And that goes for both sides of the argument.

Regardless of your sexual preference, the task at hand is to defend and serve your country, not to push forward your interests and political agendas.

Like I said, there are various issues when it comes to the gay community that I have a sure stance on, and some that,  well, can be changed if someone explained the reasoning behind it. The repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy falls in the latter.

Once again, what’s the purpose?

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