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Reaction to Baltimore Riots and Protests

So now we have Baltimore, Maryland and the issue of Freddie Gray.

I really don't know what to say, especially considering the fact that we've done this not too long ago in Ferguson, Missouri and here in New York City, as well many other places throughout our country, just not in the national spotlight. 

Following the tragic deaths of NYPD officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, the rage died down a bit out of sheer sadness and possible realization of how far and out of control (and focus) things may have gotten. Of course, as time has continued on, we have seen several young black men killed (including one clearly on video tape) increasing tensions once again leading up to the Freddie Gray situation - another explosion of pent up frustration from a system that isn't working.
What kills me is that here we are, several months away from Ferguson, from "I Can't Breathe", and all of the awareness created for #BlackLivesMatter, and it feels like we've learned nothing. Nada. Zilch. Not just within the black community, but overall, as a nation. 

Once again we rise only when these situations occur with intelligent and socialogical discussions for reform, progression, and solutions to prevent injustices and to fix the issues that plague our society. 

Once again, the black community looks to stand up and urges everyone within it with dire hope and will to make changes within, in order to further help change the injustices that face them. 

Once again are we rioting, looting, burning down communities and being destructive in the wake of such a situation to no avail other than to further the cases of the ignorant. 

Once again, the media continues to perpetuate, antagonize, instigate, and sensationalize the occurrences. Showing only the rocks being thrown and the fires blazing, and not the peaceful protesting and the people coming together of all backgrounds, colors, and ethnicity. 

Once again are labels of negative and racial connotation bantered and thrown around for rioters clearly in frustration - the complete opposite coverage of when college campuses do the same when a sports team wins or loses. 

Once again are we experiencing politics thrown into the mix as jabs are thrown from lefts and rights, from reds and blues, when all this has to do with are people. Real people. Not political identifiers. 

Once again, here we are, reading the ridiculous social media dissertations from the keyboard warriors and thumb activists who now deeply care about social issues and want to rant about "black oppression". Or how about the individual who uses the situation to chant "reverse discrimination" or to simply make off-based accusations of " them burning their own communities", "they should get jobs", or various ill-advised rhetoric on social unrest and circumstances they themselves have never faced or experienced. 

Once again here we are protesting, marching, and organizing for the spur of the moment. To simply be a part of something rather than looking to make a change. 

Once again, out come the "civil rights leaders" and other apparent community figure heads who only care when there is an audience to do so in front of. 

Once again, here we go with the cop bashing, and the cynical feelings towards the men and women who serve and protect our communities. 

Once again, here we are - America. Clearly ripped from the seams, and unhinged on issues like race, poverty, socioeconomics, and many others that drive and constantly divide all of us. Some of us, clearly oblivious to it all. 

I just don't understand why we only care about these issues when it becomes controversial or the hot topic of the moment. This is more than just a trending topic or a ratings sweep. Hopefully, we ALL wake up as a culture and see that soon. These are real issues entangled in the fabric of our culture for far too long. 

Until then, I'll continue to feel drained and fatigued from the constant ignorance of all - everyone - in this situation. I don't feel rage, hatred, or anger to be honest. I grieve for the family of Freddie Gray. I feel sad that we don't understand one another. I grow frustrated by those caught in a systematic cycle that presents zero options for them. 

However, to be honest, right now, I mostly feel annoyed that we're doing this again, clearly not having learned anything. 

Shame on all of us. All of us. 

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