Anyone else tired of the same regurgitation of topics, debates, and discussions whenever there is a mass shooting in our nation? After all, why wouldn't we be? As a society, we do it every time these tragedies happen on our soil, pleading for the violence to stop, enraged and demanding that we need to do more to prevent these occurrences; and as always, discussing different variances of gun control needed.
It's all so tiring and so damn aggravating. Over the past five years we've witnessed that frightening fact that no one is safe anywhere, even once safe havens such as a church, a temple, a classroom, a movie theater, or on an army base.
Of course, with this recent mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, the killer had 13 legal firearms at his disposal and distributed racially hateful messages prior to his killing spree. He also targeted Christians and discussed in the distributed messages how killing could bring a person fame.
Yet, here we are as a culture posting this guy on every media outlet, discussing his "mental mindset" at every whim, and giving the same ole tired lectures and discussions it's typical periodical whirl.
When do we as a nation say enough is enough? When do we begin to start to care for the hearts and minds of others instead of attempting to place the reasoning on issues, race, guns, and other hot political topics. When do we cease giving these people who do these dastardly actions so much acknowledgement, fame, and publicity?
There have been 45 school shootings on a school campus this year. 45! We are losing our young people in more ways than just ideological concerns. Not just the victims who were attempting to forge a better life for themselves, but in some instances, the suspects, who are harbored by parents and friends who never report their anger, evil, or disturbing ways. In some instances, even supplying them with avenues to guns.
What are we doing?!
But for now, we'll engage in gun control debates and throw jabs across the political aisles. We'll psychoanalyze the victim for ratings, website hits, and sales, and unfortunately, eventually, we'll reference this happening down the road as reasons to do it all again. It's a heart wrenching and annoying cycle that truly makes me sad and angry at how we value life in this country.
We need to wake up. And wake up soon.
My thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families. I pray for your comfort and peace in this time. And my deepest respects to Army veteran, Chris Mintz (who should be the one praised in this story), who risked his life to save many more. And to those who died standing up for their faith and for Christ, I cannot admire you any more.