3 Up
1. Shannon Johnson - "I got you". It's become a popular phrase after the story of Mr. Johnson saving Denise Peraza during the shootings in San Bernardino and ought to be known. Despite a horrific incident, Mr. Johnson gets the nod as the top "up" this week.
2. Obama's Muslim Call - I am of the belief that not all Muslims are indeed terrorists. There are plenty of wonderful, kind Muslims I know and have come across in my life. However, President Obama's call for the Muslim community to stand up against ISIS is needed. Where are they? The world needs to see that there is a difference.
3. Luke Walton - Despite not getting any official wins throughout this historic streak (which is downright awful by the NBA - just ridiculous!), much credit goes to Coach Luke Walton of the Golden State Warriors for keeping these fellas motivated on this run.
3 Down
1. San Bernardino - Obvious, right? I'm actually so sick and tired of discussing terrorism and mass shootings. I really am. Jesus help us.
2. London Underground Terrorist - If we didn't have the above to deal with, this past week a man decided to attack patrons of London's underground tube and claiming to be doing it "for Syria". Again, so tired and angry when it comes to the terrorism stories in our world today.
3. FIFA - Another scandal for the soccer umbrella which seems focused on ruining the world's game, if it hasn't already.