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Sunday Sundown Rundown - 12/12/21

3 Up

1. Masayuki Uemura - It's odd to lead off with death, but I prefer to celebrate the life and accomplishment of Uemura. The mind and architect behind the Nintendo Entertainment System, it was Uemura who helped revolutionize everything we know and appreciate about gaming today. 

2. Max Verstappen and Julianna Pena - There was so much awesomeness that happened in sports this weekend. I'll give props to Verstappen on an amazing final lap to win the F1 Championship and Julianna Pena who submitted Amanda Nunes among the many others. Of course, we also had an amazing MLS Cup Final, Steph Curry chasing the all-time 3-point record, and so much more. Yay Sports weekend! 

3. ROH Final Battle - I've said my piece on ROH's "status". Regardless, it was great to see pro wrestling give ROH a closing chapter on Saturday night. 

3 Down

1. Kentucky Tornadoes - Tornadoes in December feel all too weird, but looking past that is the utter devastation that is now in Kentucky. The drone footage is just heartbreaking. So, so heartbreaking. 

2. Rising COVID Cases - And here we go again, this time with Omicron. Stay safe out there, everyone. 

3. Jussie Smollett - Smollett was found guilt this week for his hoax attack. And even three years later, I'm still annoyed that someone would do such a thing - take such a serious and historically sensitive topic - for fame. SMH. 

Cover Photo

Red Bull’s Max Verstappen celebrates winning the title as Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton offers his applause.

Hamad I Mohammed/Reuters

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