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Senseless. Stupid. And Still...Why?

It wasn't too long that I found myself worked up about this issue. In fact, I had such strong emotions and opinions that I needed two posts (Why Did Derrion Albert Have To Die) (Why Did Derrion Albert Have To Die - Part II) to somewhat cover the reverberations of those feelings. Sickening. Disturbing. Disgusting. All adjectives that were tied to the story of Derrion Albert. Yet, of it all, the strongest way to describe the horrific ending to the story of Derrion Albert was wrapped into one simple question - why? On Wednesday, January 18th, 2012, I found myself engulfed in the same passionate bit of rage and raw emotion as I opened up the New York Daily News website and read the lead story titled, "7 Teens, Including a girl, arrested in brutal beating of Chicago Boy". As I read, I could not help but make the comparisons to the situation that lead to the tragic ending of Derrion Albert's life. Both in Chicago. Both involved the youth. Both somehow filmed, and made it's way online. 

And then I watched the video...and it was indeed Derrion Albert all over again.

Senseless. Stupid. And yes, once again...why?

[Click here for the video]

As I've stated in the Derrion Albert posts, this is not my first go-around with this type of violence. Growing up in Brooklyn, NY and attending a fairly violent school, I've seen my share of fights, beat downs, gang affiliated fights, and various other "activities" that are in no way, shape, or form related to education. Yet, whenever, I see videos like this that expose senseless beatings of individuals by cowards (7 on 1 is grounds for being called a coward), it still shocks me, and furthermore ignites a certain rage in me that wonders why this occurs in our society, especially our nation's inner cities.

We can continue to come up with less-poignant and direct answers of blaming poor economic standards, the fatherless household, and even race (while a strong presence in black communities, from the video, it is obviously this plague crosses racial boundaries) for why these occur. And while anti-bullying has become such a cliche and taboo concept, it pales in comparisons to the real issues of this generation, and quite frankly, future generations to come.

The root of this problem is a blatant disconnect of authority and respect to our youth today. And quite honestly, I still agree with the words of An-Jannette Albert, that somehow, we've stop holding youths accountable for their actions. And in some ways, we have become afraid. 

Heck, I'll even make a general claim: maybe parents aren't what they used to be.

[Click here for the video of An-Janette Albert's interview]

Raymond Palomino, the one person in the gang of seven who did not wear a ski-mask in the beating to hide his identity, has been collared and will be charged as an adult. The other six have been handed over to the Illinois State Juvenile authorities.

As per the norm, I'm expecting these parents to be completely blindsided by the actions of their children. Maybe the typical sound byte of "He's a good kid" describing, and in defense, of their actions.

Yet, An-Jannette Albert must be shaking her head somewhere, as well as the parents of the victim. In this sickening, disturbing, disgusting, senseless, and stupid attack, we all are wondering what we still can't seem to figure out...


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