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365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #258-273

258. What is the one primary quality you look for in a significant other?

The one primary quality that I look(ed) for in a significant other is an ability to be self-less. Fortunately, I found someone like that in my tag team partner, my wife. Well...except when it comes to Macaroni and Cheese spirals. She loves those, and rarely shares them with me. But for the most part, she's been awesome. 

259. What do you admire most about your mother and father?

I guess this ties in with the above question, and quite possibly could be a result of my upbringing, but I admire their unselfishness. My parents give, and give, and give, and give. Whether it be to me, my tag team partner, my in-laws, friends, family, charity, missionaries, or someone in need, they have always backed up their lesson to me that the reward of giving is much greater than receiving.

More Thought Provoking Questions. Answered.

260. What is the best advice you have ever received?

Be yourself. 

Simple, but always something we constantly have to return to. 

261. If you could live forever, would you want to?  Why?

Absolutely not. How can you then value life if you live forever? 

I believe everyone and everything has it's time. So do we. I prefer to live my life with the urgency, mystery, and unpredictability that heath brings. And afterwards, spend eternity with my Lord.

Living forever eliminates all of the above.

262. If you had to be someone else for one day, who would you be and why?

Derek Sanderson Jeter. It would be awesome to be the shortstop and captain of the New York Yankees for one night. 

263. What positive changes have you made in your life recently?

I've made a conscious effort in the year 2012 to attempt to grow up and become a better husband, a better son, a better friend, and a better person overall.

264. Who makes you feel good about yourself?

A good friend of mine since Junior High School. This friend, my wife always describes him as "my biggest fan". He always seems to be genuinely excited about everything I do, and always values my opinion and advice on certain topics and issues. 

265. What is your biggest regret?

Taking college baseball too seriously in my senior season. It was not an enjoyable time for me personally, and turning something that I love into a pressure-filled task is a year I cannot get back. 

266. Which one of your responsibilities do you wish you could get rid of?

Cleaning the shower. I hate scrubbing and cleaning the grout, scrubbing the tub, and the entire overall process. 

267. What’s something you don’t like to do that you are still really good at?

My wife would probably say cleaning the shower. ha! And for some reason she thinks I make a great cup of tea. Weird, I know. 

268. What type of person angers you the most?

A person who is very conceited. The type that is all about themselves, inconsiderate, loves and craves attention, and makes decisions and reacts only to benefit them. I think we all know a few of those.

269. What is missing in your life?

A New York Knicks NBA Championship. I have to witness one before I leave earth. Just have to.

270. What is your most striking physical attribute?

Obviously, it would be my nose. It's rather large and crooked after being broken several times. I used to be self-conscious about it, however, as the years have gone on, I've pretty much accepted it's part of who I am.

271. What has fear of failure stopped you from doing?

Plenty. I know for sure I have a huge problem with being afraid of failure. And honestly, as weird as it may sound, in some moments - like many others - I'm afraid of success as well. But risk taking has always been an issue for me dating as far back as grade school. I've always played it safe, and taken the less risky route. It's something I'm currently working on.

272. Who would you like to please the most?

God, period. From there, everything else falls in place.

273. If you could go back in time and change things, what would you change about the week that just passed?

I've had a pretty good week to be quite honest. Spiritually, I've studied the book of Proverbs. Physically, I've been running three miles everyday. Mentally, I've been refreshed and renewed by the previous two tasks. And emotionally, I've been even-keeled.

If I had to pick one, I probably would have picked going to bed earlier on Sunday. Yup, it's been a good week. Hard to find something. 

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