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The Pondering 10 - Most (Oddly) Annoying People in College

As a higher educational administrator, I hear it all the time. The stories, discussions, hearsay, rumors, and debates about the people and issues that consume and irritate those living the college life. I've been there, so I know exactly how they feel. What is oddly shocking to me is that not much has changed since I've walked across a commencement stage seven years ( ago. So, with commencement week upon us, I figured what better time than now to list the oddest, yet most annoying people, I came across in college.

10. Tunnel Vision Athlete - This may not apply to all. Mostly those at DIII or even DII schools. As someone who played collegiate baseball at the DIII level, nothing was more annoying than the athlete (usually really good) who took their "athlete" status too far. They constantly drop the "athlete" dime and are the first to patronize others over other interests. I get it, I want to win too, but this isn't high school and being an athlete doesn't define me as a person. And non of us are going pro, so chill. Unfortunately, this is the person who is a bit lost once this aspect of their life is no more.

9. The "I LOVE THIS SCHOOL" Person - This is the person who finds it hard (or very much will) to move on in life from these four years. And while they were enjoying their four years, they were the ones who were overbearing in their push for others to get involved with everything on campus. Look, I love school spirit and am very proud of where I went to school (even more so now than ever before), but looking to donate at every whim, attend reunions every summer, and looking to make my Alma Mater my entire life is a bit much, so please don't expect me to do it. And even more so, don't get mad when I choose not to.

8. Oblivious Rich Kids - Ahhhh, you have to love this one. We all know these kids. They are the ones who are struggling with the minor problems that you wish you had. You know, like, "how am I going to dig my car out of the snow", when you just, well, wished you had a car. Or, when you're working on your fourth bowl of ramen noodles for dinner that week and then you hear one of these kids complain about the lack of organic options in the local food court. Boggles the mind of those who are struggling through it all.

7. The "I LOVE MY FRIENDS" Person - This is the person that simply meets one person, and boom, you guys are buddies for life. Or at the very worst, Facebook friends, as long as you choose to confirm their aggressive request after your brief conversation at last night's party. Oddly, these folks are truly wonderful people, but their way too involved in making the value of their college experience based upon the amount of friends they have and attempting to make everyone like them. A message to these people, chill out.

6. The Promiscuous Person - We either a) know a few people who immediately fit this description; or b) know the person that fits this description. Ahhh, college, such an interesting place. Unfortunately, this person is the one that doesn't offer much defense when it comes to sensuality, if you get my drift, and is usually the first one to complain about lousy relationships and finding love.

5. The "THIS SCHOOL SUCKS" Person - The other end of the spectrum from #9, this person complains about everything regarding the school they attend. They compare it to other schools, suggest the way things should be, constantly spew nice things about schools their friends attend, and ultimately, always seem miserable. Yet, they stay all four years, finish their degree, and graduate. Never even starting the transfer process.

4. The "You're Weird" Person - College is such an interesting time of learning and meeting different people. Of course, you just have to love the person who has never left his hometown - ever! - and insists on telling others what they are "doing wrong" or why they are "weird". Dude, there is a whole world out there.

3. Token Black (or Minority) Person - Unfortunately, I've seen this attending a predominantly white college as a person of color. You'll see a minority person, usually the sole black kid amid a group of whites who, because of societal pressures possibly, feels the need to fill the void of doing and being the stereotypical black guy. And along this avenue, is the guy who plays the race card as his golden card of defense. I failed? It's because I'm black, huh? To these folks, just be yourself. Stop trying to appease society by attempting to fill the perception of what you think those around you ought to expect from you.

2. Sir-Complain-A-Lot - This person has more problems than any other person in the history of higher learning - ever. EVER! No one has ever come close to the issues, pressures, and problems this person is currently encountering. After all, this is ginormous. Massive. The pressure this person faces is incomparable. How does this person do it? They are so brave, so strong, and courageous for going on! After all, NO ONE is dealing with the issues of balancing studies, relationships, athletics, clubs, family, work, and personal life like this person is in college!!!

Seriously, this person's is a walking pity party of complaints. They're just constant whiners. Funny thing is, they'll always make it about them. ALWAYS.

1. Gossip Enthusiasts - I'll be honest, I loathed these people in college. First ones to open their mouths on rumors and gossip, and the first ones to get upset when something is said about them. They practically can regurgitate a lifetime story on an individual as they walk into a cafeteria, library or another high volume facility, and at the end of the day, non of it would be true. These people were usually two-faced and dabbled in one of the issues above as well. I never trusted these people, and made sure to stay clear of them through college, and through graduate school as well. 

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