I'm just not sure what to say anymore. To be honest, I don't have the exact words to really describe what happened - again - today regarding the police officer who strangled Eric Garner not being indicted. Truth is, and some may not like this, I expected it. I honestly did, because after all, what else is there to expect? Sadly, what else do we know in these cases? I touched on this very same issue six years ago - SIX! - after the Sean Bell incident. Sticking to the script...and here we go again (Sticking to the Script: The Sean Bell Verdict)
In comparison to the Ferguson situation, I truly feel this one is very, clear, cut and dry. There isn't various witnesses with multiple versions of their own story to what happened. Eric Garner's situation was recorded. The entire incident was. There isn't much to dispute there, other than how to serve up justice in the situation. Video evidence. Homicide cause of death from the autopsy.
But as we know, the idea of prosecutors ringing up police officers, whom they work with day in and day out, is a glaring flaw in our judicial system. How can we honestly say these are fair trials?
And then there are the protesters, the riots, and the extreme emotions from those who seem to be running with the leeway this situation has given them. Again, I'll be honest, I have no idea why some are finding such "joy" and "revenge" in protesting and demonstrating. Whether it be through non-violence or rioting, the extreme protesting has gone from it's purpose of bringing awareness to the issue, to outright being a caricature of our right to protest, and dare I say, a means of exploiting an issue that is on the border of going from serious social concern to the latest flavor of the month.
Some of the discussions and comments being used by many are downright unbelievable. The hate being thrown around is similar to the language one would hear in films or read about in books from the 1930's. It's all so concerning. It's all so sad. It's all s frustrating. It's all so well, exhausting. Just so exhausting.
I just hope several weeks from now, we're still not just protesting and issuing "solutions" and sudden enlightened social concepts for social media platforms, but instead, making serious progress for all of us to move beyond these troubling matters.
After all, if we don't, then what's the point of all of this?