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The IF Factor: Questions Answered #481-490

481. If you had to name the one thing that repeatedly makes you angriest, what would it be?

Selfish people who have zero regards for others and their well-being. 

482. If you could change one thing about the building you work in, what would you alter?

Wow. I would love to work in a new state-of-the-art athletic facility. The building I currently work in is over 40 years old. Ironically, it will be coming down this year, and a new one will be built in it's footprint. 

483. If you were to prescribe a cure for grief, what would it entail?

It would entail having fun. It just seems natural to me that the opposite of grief - having fun - should be a cure for the emotion.

484. If you were to name the most obnoxious tourists you've encountered, who would they be?

Living in New York City, I live this everyday - the tourist that stops on a dime because the terrible and very cliche photo they must take is so important that they must interrupt everyone's morning commute to work. Yup. Nothing more obnoxious that that camera-wielding knucklehead. 

485. If you had to eliminate forever, one form of weather, what would it be?

Ha - snow. I know some love it. After four years of college in Central New York, I couldn't careless to ever see snow again. Especially as a summer, warm-weather type of guy. I would suggest simply eliminating it from my surroundings forever. 

486. If you could ensure one thing about Heaven besides its existence, what would it be?

Well for one, I can't wait for Heaven. It's going to be so kick-ass. I can't imagine what God has prepared up there. Nonetheless, I hope it has baseball. And I know Heaven is going to be filled with fun and pain free, but since baseball is full of failure, I just hope the good Lord allows that in Heaven so the great game of baseball can continue. 

I know, complex, but hey, I can't wait to play baseball for eternity. 

487. If you could have had any job in history, what would it have been?

I say it all the time - Hotel/Resort reviewer for a major publication. Yes, please pay me to go experience the finest hotels in some of the greatest cities in the world. I'l gladly share with you my opinion. 

488. If you could ensure that one existing law would never be broken by anyone, which would it be?

Child Molestation. Pretty self-explanatory. 

489. If you could have changed one thing about your own wedding ceremony, what would be revised?

Hahahaha. My pants. Somehow I ended up with my brothers pants who wanted them longer than I would have. So I ended up with some pretty baggy pants all day. I'm not sure anyone noticed, but it still bugs me. 

490. If you were to pick the most romantic city or foreign country you have been to, which would win?

Italy. Spent 12 days there touring the entire country and it's greatest cities with my best friend, and tag team partner, aka my wife. 

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